
广州民宿经济发展调查报告 被引量:4

Survey Report on the B&B Development in Guangzhou
摘要 文章从广州民宿旅游经济的发展现状、资源禀赋、基层领导的认识和意愿等方面,对全市1144个行政村进行了较为全面的调查。在统计分析的基础上,对各行政村的基本情况、旅游发展基础条件、城镇民宿旅游的经营情况、村干部对民宿旅游发展的意愿和看法以及影响民宿旅游发展的相关因素进行了归纳和初步分析。通过调研深化认识,对于促进广州民宿旅游经济的发展,实施乡村振兴战略将有所助益。 “Promoting the tourism characteristics of beautiful countryside in Guangzhou’s rural area”is a key survey conducted by the Research Group Affiliated to the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Guangzhou Municipality in 2017.This report reviews the comprehensive questionnaire collected from the city’s administrative villages(with a response rate of 1057 out of 1144).It covers the status-quo,resources endowment,recognition from grassroots leaders,etc.,On the basis of statistical analysis,it summarizes the basic situation of each administrative village,basic conditions of tourism development,operation situation of urban homestay tourism,willingness and opinion of village cadres on the development of homestay tourism and related factors influencing its development.Further understanding through research will help to promote the development of home stay tourism economy of Guangzhou and implement rural revitalization strategy.
作者 广州市人大常委会重点课题调研组 李小勉 郭凡 沈莹 周慧 李宏石 陈重 羿莉 钟应光 林煜塘 Research Group Affiliated to the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Guangzhou Municipality
机构地区 不详
出处 《城市观察》 2018年第4期71-81,共11页 Urban Insight
关键词 广州 民宿经济 调查报告 Guangzhou home stay economic survey report
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