
政府优化共享经济平台的福利经济分析——基于一般均衡理论的视角 被引量:2

The Analysis on the Government Optimizes the Sharing Platform——From the Perspective of General Equilibrium
摘要 本文基于一般均衡理论对政府优化共享经济平台的机理进行深入分析。研究表明,政府在消费者交易过程中发挥了调配共享经济机制运行效率的职能——通过合理地提升对该机制的投入以形成市场中的帕累托改进。具体而言,政府通过对共享经济平台合理的建设投入,缓解了消费者在交易过程中时间、空间的限制,使市场中的信息更加充分,降低了消费者的交易成本,盘活消费者拥有的闲置资源,提升了闲置资源的交易效率,从而提升社会福利。基于研究结果,本文围绕平台建设投入效率、建设成本以及消费者行为等方面对政府优化共享经济平台提出相应的对策建议。 Based on the general equilibrium theory,this paper investigates the mechanism that the government optimizes the sharing platform.It finds that the government plays a role of coordinating efficiency of the sharing platform and achieves a Pareto improvement by investing the platform.Specifically,the government’s investment in the sharing platform alleviates the informational asymmetry among the consumers who exchange on the platform,which lowers consumers’transaction cost,rises the resources usage level,leading to an improvement on social welfare.According to the results from the theoretical analysis,this paper provides suggestions on the mechanism that the government optimizes the sharing platform in terms of the efficiency of the government’s investment in the sharing platform,the cost of the investment as well as consumer behavior.
作者 吴岱蔚 马清 许恒 WU Daiyu;MA Qing;XU Heng
出处 《产业经济评论》 2018年第4期5-12,共8页 Review of Industrial Economics
基金 西南财经大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金青年教师成长项目"共享单车城市投放总量的理论研究与测算分析"(项目编号:JBK1801027) 成都市社科规划项目"成都市共享单车投放总量的理论研究与测算分析"(项目编号:2018L08)
关键词 共享经济 一般均衡理论 埃奇沃斯盒 政策建议 Sharing economy general equilibrium Edgeworth box
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