5UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION AGENCY ACT OF 2009 (2009) , [ EB/OL] http: //www. financialstability, gov/docs/CFPA-Act, pdf.
6CFPA Act, supra note2, at 1032.
8See Joshua D. Wright, Behavioral Law and Economics, Paternalism, and Consumer Contracts: An Empirical Perspective, 2 NYU J. L. &LIBERTY 470 (2007).
9CFPAAct, supranote2, at §§ 1041 (a) (1) - (a) (2).
10Joshua D. Wright & Todd J. Zywicki, Three Problematic Truths About the Consumer Financial Protection Agency Act of 2009, [ EB/OL] ht-tp: //papers. ssm. com/sol3/papers, cfm? abstract_ id = 1474006~.