明明可以凭借颜值吃饭,偏偏还要依靠才华,说的就是今天的主人公,郭译遥。郭译遥,“9 0后”,身高1米76,长着逆天大长腿,以及一副超模般的高级脸,眼睛明亮清澈,脸上还有一对深深的酒窝,是第一眼就能让人过目不忘的漂亮妹子。郭译遥现在的身份,是一名美国“海归”,曾就职于普华永道美国部,也曾经担任过职业规划师,但这些还不是全部,如今,她是一名拳馆的老板。之所以有现在的成绩,与她的幸运和努力都分不开。
For millennial generation career, there are many problems of gap between expectation and reality. There no exist any best jobs intermittently energizing or satisfying. For a lot of the time, they are boring or frustrating or both. And when you are in your twenties, it is hard to know if you are going to find a job satisfying until you have tried it. Perhaps it is hard to say what difference we make, but that does not render our jobs pointless. Nowadays, it is optional as there are startups instead. Some people are suited to life in big corporations, others would start a business. It is hard to know until you try it, so many advice is to take a corporate job early on to find out how much you(dis)like it. Working life is now so long, there is no hurry to get it right first time. If you take a few bad turns, it does not matter. Then, how to choose the place that is right for you? You can find out answers in the article.
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