
奥拉西坦注射液对40例高血压脑梗死患者的评分影响 被引量:1

The effect of orazetam injection on the score of 40 patients with hypertensive cerebral infarction
摘要 目的探讨奥拉西坦注射液对高血压脑梗死患者的BI评分、MIHSS评分和MMSE评分。方法通过选自于2016年1月~2016年12月期间在本院进行治疗的高血压脑梗死患者80例,按照随机抽号的方法将其分为两组,对照组和观察组,每组40例。观察组患者在常规性的治疗基础之上,使用奥拉西坦注射液进行治疗,对照组则施以常规的综合性治疗基础之上施以尼莫地平药物进行治疗。对比相较两组患者的BI评分、MIHSS评分和MMSE评分。结果通过对比相较两组患者,两组患者在治疗之后的BI评分、MIHSS评分和MMSE评分相较于治疗前存在显著差异,但是对照组患者的改善幅度明显低于观察组患者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。相较于观察组,对照组患者治疗有效率较低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论通过对高血压脑梗死患者施以奥拉西坦注射液进行治疗,能够有效的改善患者的认知能力以及生活质量,提升患者的受损神经功能性恢复速率,在临床治疗应用中具有显著治疗成效。 Objective To study on patients with hypertensive cerebral infarction Oxiracetam Injection BI score,MIHSS score and MMSE score.Methods From January 2016 to December 2016,80 hypertensive cerebral infarction patients treated in our hospital were randomly divided into two groups,the control group and the observation group(n=40 cases).The patients in the observation group on the basis of routine treatment,the use of Oxiracetam Injection for treatment,control group received comprehensive treatment on the basis of conventional drug treatment with nimodipine.The BI score,MIHSS score and MMSE score of the two groups were compared.Results By comparing the two groups of patients,the BI scores,MIHSS scores and MMSE scores of the two groups after treatment were significantly different from those before treatment,but the improvement rate of the control group was significantly lower than that of the observation group,and there was significant difference between the two groups.Compared with the observation group,the rate of treatment in the control group was lower than that in the control group,and there was a significant difference between the two groups.Conclusion Through the treatment of patients with hypertensive cerebral infarction with Oxiracetam Injection,can effectively improve the patient's cognitive ability and enhance the quality of life,patients with impaired neurological function recovery rate,has significant therapeutic effect in the clinical application.
作者 王颖 Wang Ying(Department of Neurology in the Central Hospital of Heze Peony District,Heze,Shandong,274000,China)
出处 《当代医学》 2018年第23期113-115,共3页 Contemporary Medicine
关键词 奥拉西坦注射液 高血压脑梗死 神经组织 Oxiracetam Injection Hypertensive cerebral infarction Nerve tissue
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