
猪舍环境参数研究综述 被引量:35

Review of Environmental Parameters in Pig House
摘要 适宜的畜舍环境是保障畜禽健康养殖的重要条件。据国家统计局数据表明:在2017年我国猪肉产量5 340万t,增长0.8%,生猪存栏量68 861万头,增长0.5%,我国是传统的猪生产和猪肉消费大国,随着我国养猪业规模化、福利化的发展,在当前已经拥有了高产品种猪和优质全价的配合饲料之后,猪舍内小气候环境对猪群健康的影响引起越来越多的关注和重视。早在20世纪40年代,欧美等西方发达国家学者就开始建立家畜人工气候室,通过在畜舍中模拟自然环境的气候变化,研究在不同气候条件下家畜的生理变化规律,制定猪适宜环境参数并应用于生产管理,以较好的环境换取更高的生产效益。近年来,欧美国家更加关注饲养环境对畜禽精准饲养和动物福利与健康的影响。美国NRC(2012)提出了以环境温度和饲养密度为变量的代谢能摄入量动态模型,实现营养供给的动态预测。我国生态气候复杂,生产要素的集成缺乏统一的环境基础,当猪舍环境较差时,会严重影响猪群的健康并制约猪生长性能的发挥。文章以我国现有的猪舍内环境参数标准为基础,结合国内外现有的相关环境参数标准与试验研究,比较并分析了国内外猪舍内环境温度、湿度、有害气体浓度和饲养密度等适宜参数的异同;畜舍中温度主要影响猪的采食量进而对其生长性能产生影响,在高温环境中生长猪采食量降低从而导致生产性能下降,低温环境条件下生长猪增加的采食量,更多的用于维持体温的恒定,能量利用率因而较低;畜舍中的湿度往往是伴随着舍内温度产生的协同效应;猪舍中的有害气体主要包括氨气、硫化氢、二氧化碳、甲烷和氧化氮,有害气体不仅影响人类身体健康,同时也会严重影响猪的健康生长,诱发疾病以及降低饲料转化效率。猪是社会性很强的动物,在规模化猪场发展的前提下,群居会给猪带来一定的好处,但因饲养密度增加导致的应激,会破坏猪的生理机能、行为习惯和环境之间的动态平衡,从而严重影响猪的健康,制约猪生长性能的发挥。 The environment is the most important to protect the health of livestock and poultry breeding.According to the data published in the"2016 Statistical Communique on National Economic and Social Development",the total output of meat in 2016 was 85.4 million tons,including 52.99 million tons pork and 435.04 million pigs,and were kept at the end of the year.With the development of large-scale and welfare pig rising of pig industry in China,China,as a traditional pig production and consumption of pork in the current,has a high yield of pig breeds and high-quality feed,and more and more attention has been paid to the effect of microclimate environment on the health of pigs.The developed countries,such as Europe and the United States,attach great importance to the optimal control and research on the environmental management of livestock and continuously develop new technologies to ensure the healthy and sustainable development of livestock husbandry and aquaculture.From the 60s of the last century,the effects of temperature,humidity,harmful gases and stocking density on feed performance and livestock production performance were studied,and the requirements and thresholds for environmental parameters such as temperature,humidity and stocking density were proposed.However,the ecological climatic zone in our country is complex,livestock breeding facilities are poor,the technology lacks standards,and the integration of factors of production lacks a unified environmental basis.When the swine house environmental is terrible,it will impact on health and restrict the growth performance of pigs.Based on the existing environmental parameters of pigs in our country,combined with the existing relevant environmental parameters and experimental studies both our country and other countries,this paper analyzed the effects of temperature,humidity,concentration of harmful gases and stocking density on the growth of pigs,so as to provide a reference and basis for the research,renewal and application of pig comfort environmental parameters in China.
作者 高航 袁雄坤 姜丽丽 王军军 臧建军 GAO Hang;YUAN XiongKun;JIANG LiLi;WANG JunJun;ZANG JianJun(College of Animal Science and Technology,China Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition,Beijing 100193)
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第16期3226-3236,共11页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 "十三五"国家重点研发计划(2016YFD0500506)
关键词 环境参数 温度 湿度 空气质量 饲养密度 pig environmental parameters temperature humidity air quality stocking density
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