

On the International Person Who Accepted Taiwan's Return and Its Change
摘要 伴随台湾二战后由日本"归还"中国,接受这一"归还"的"国际人格者",亦经历了从"中华民国"到中华人民共和国的重要变化。这一变化基于中国政权发生实质性更替的客观现实,遵循了国际法原理和政府继承规则,具有毋庸置疑的事实基础和法理依据。该问题上的继承关系具有某种复杂性,其症结在于美国等国违反国际法原则,出于争霸野心和反对共产主义的需要而控制台湾,拒绝承认中华人民共和国及其在联合国的代表权。随着国力的增强和国际地位的提高,中华人民共和国作为代表中国的"国际人格者",法理上是台湾"归还"的当然接受者,在国际社会得到普遍认同。其所展现的历史大势,昭示了台湾的未来归宿和惟一出路,这就是祖国完全统一的光明前途。 Along with Taiwan’return to China by Japan after World WarⅡ,the international person who accepted this return also experienced an important change from Republic of China to the People’s Republic of China.The change was based on the objective reality of substantive regime transfer in China,and followed the principles of international law and the rules of government succession,which is no doubt about the factual and legal basis.There is a certain complexity in the succession relationship on this issue.The crux lied in the fact that the United States and other countries violated the principles of international law to control Taiwan out of the desire for hegemony and the need against communism,and refused to recognize the People’s Republic of China and its right of representation in the United Nations.With the enhancement of national strength and the improvement of international status,the People’s Republic of China,as the international person representing China,is certainly the recipient of Taiwan’s return in jurisprudence and is generally recognized in the international community.The historical trend it reveals declares publicly the future destiny and the only Way Out for Taiwan,which is the bright future of the complete reunification of the motherland.
作者 李育民 Li Yumin
出处 《台湾研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期85-94,共10页 Taiwan Studies
关键词 台湾 归还 中华人民共和国 国际人格者 Taiwan Return the People’s Republic of China the International Person
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