

An Evaluation of Test Validity of Proofreading and Error Correction Section of TEM 8:A Study Based on the Testing Results of English Majors of Different Grades
摘要 本研究选取南京某二本大学英语专业大一至大三的学生作为研究对象,采用真题测试及采访问卷的方式,从整体正确率、改错题不同错误类型正确率两个方面对三个年级的学生的测试结果进行分析,并整理出学生答题后的反馈意见,得出三个年级正确率并无明显区别,专八改错题型不能很好地检测出各年级学生英语水平差异的结论。 This research studies the test validity of TEM 8 Proofreading and Error Correction by analyzing the test results of freshmen,sophomores and junior English majors.The test results are compared by the rate of correct answers,and the rate of correct answers to different error types.The One-Way ANOVA test shows that there are no significant differences between the test results of the three grades of students,indicating that the TEM 8 proofreading tests is not effective in measuring the different levels of English learners'comprehensive language ability.
作者 董俞君 沙立 陈璐 龚诗琦 Dong Yujun;Sha Li;Chen Lu;Gong Shiqi
出处 《科教文汇》 2018年第25期171-174,共4页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 江苏省大学生创新创业训练计划项目研究成果 项目编号:201713646003Y
关键词 专八考试 短文改错 测试效度 TEM 8 Proofreading and Error Correction test validity
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