
美国白蛾防控技术研究进展 被引量:35

Research progress in the management of fall webworm,Hyphantria cunea(Drury)(Lepidoptera:Arctiidae)
摘要 美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea(Drury)原产于北美,是重要的国际性检疫害虫。自1979年我国首次发现该虫以来,已经对我国农林业生态系统特别是园林植物造成了严重危害。防控技术一直是美国白蛾研究领域的热点之一,利用性信息素、现代通讯技术和遥感技术,能够更精准地监测美国白蛾的发生危害情况。美国白蛾的防治措施主要以人工、物理、生物和化学防治为主,其中人工防治主要采取剪除网幕和草把诱集化蛹的方法,化学防治以飞机和机器人进行喷药,生物防治主要在美国白蛾幼虫期施用核型多角体病毒HcNPV,老熟幼虫和蛹期释放白蛾周氏啮小蜂Chouioia cunea Yang,可持续控制美国白蛾种群数量。该技术取得了良好的效果并大面积推广使用。尽管对美国白蛾防控技术的研究已经取得了重大进展,但仍存在一些问题需要进一步研究解决。如防治措施持续控制效果的科学评价方法、美国白蛾原产地天敌的引进利用、美国白蛾灾害分布特征与人类活动和生态环境的关系等。此外,随着害虫防治新技术的出现,如基因重组技术以及RNAi技术在多种害虫防治中的应用,均可为美国白蛾防治提供新的借鉴。本文还列出了国内外美国白蛾部分天敌昆虫名录,并对美国白蛾防控技术的未来发展趋势进行了展望,以期为美国白蛾及同类入侵生物的治理策略有所启示。 Hyphantria cunea(Drury)is an important international quarantine insect pest native to North America.It has caused serious damages to agricultural and forestry ecosystem,especially garden plants since it was discovered in 1979.Prevention and control techniques has always been one of the focused areas in the research field of the fall webworm.With the application of sex pheromones,modern communication technique and remote sensing technique,the occurrence and damage of the fall webworm could be monitored more accurately.The management measures of the fall webworm mainly include artificial,physical,biological and chemical control techniques,the artificial control include cutting the pest larval webs and setting the dry-grass circle around host tree trunk for attracting muture larvae to pupate inside;and the chemical control is to spray pesticides by aircraft and robots;and the biological control include spraying of HcNPV at larval stage and releasing its pupal parasitoid Chouioia cunea adults during prepupal and pupal stages of the pest.Those techniques have obtained excellent control effects and been widely extended and used in practice.Although the significant progress has been gotten in the researches on the control of the fall webworm,there still are some problems that needs to be explored further such as the reasonable evaluation of sustainable control effects,the introduction and utilization of natural enemies from the native countries of the fall webworm,the distribution characteristics of the fall webworm disasters and their relationship between human activities and ecological environment.In addition,the emergence and application of new control technologies such as gene recombination and RNAi technique can provide a new referential value for the control of the fall webworm.Some local and exotic insect natural enemies are also listed in this article,and some development trends are discussed,and the conclusion of the paper would be helpful to the management of potential invasive species in the future.
作者 罗立平 王小艺 杨忠岐 曹亮明 LUO Li-Ping;WANG Xiao-Yi;YANG Zhong-Qi;CAO Liang-Ming(The Key Lab of Forest Protection,State Forestry Administration of China,Research Institute of Forest Ecology,Environment and Protection,Chinese Academy of Forestry and Grassland,Beijing 100091,China;College of Agronomy,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010019,China)
出处 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期721-735,共15页 Journal of Environmental Entomology
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC1201200)。
关键词 美国白蛾 入侵害虫 天敌 防控技术 Hyphantria cunea invasive insect pest natural enemies control techniques
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