
全球治理变局中的“一带一路” 被引量:52

“The Belt and Road Initiative”and the New Trend of Globalization
摘要 “一带一路”倡议是中国在全球化进程中提出的重要国际合作方案,既是对于逆全球化的批评性回应,更是对于全球化的积极推进,目标在于搭建“合作共赢”新型国际合作平台,以经济互通促进政治互信、民心相通和文明互鉴,促进相关国家和地区在“共商、共建、共享”基础上的共同发展,推进新时代人类命运共同体构建。笔者认为,实施“一带一路”建设,意味着当前中国的国内事务与当代世界的国际事务已经前所未有地融为一体,其能否成功及其成效如何,一方面在于是否能够自觉有效地把国内发展提升到国际水平,另一方面在于能否自觉有效地把国际事务融入国内发展。为此必须科学合理地统筹世界和中国两个大局并推动全球治理格局和中国国家治理均向着更加健康合理的方向发展。从国际方面看,既要能够主动适应全球治理变局及其多维挑战,更要能够引领全球治理变局走向健康方向;从国内来看,既要依托于国家治理现代化,也要能够引领国家治理现代化。正是通过这种特殊的和高水平的“内外兼修”,并真诚谋求“合作共赢”,我们才有可能在二者的有序有机结合上既加速推进中华民族伟大复兴,也为人类命运共同体的当代构建作出更加积极有效的贡献。 Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC,China has adhered to the positioning of the world’s largest developing country,and to the basic national policy of opening to the outside world.Following the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration,it is active in promoting the“Belt and Road”international cooperation,adding new momentum for common development,and pushing forward the building of a community of shared future for mankind.In recent years,the Social Sciences in China Press has held Sino-American,Sino-German and Sino-Latin American high-level academic forums.In this issue,domestic scholars are invited to discuss the construction of the“Belt and Road”and the new trend of globalization from the perspectives of global governance,global value chain,Asian regional cooperation,industrial cooperation path and major changes in geopolitics.Professor Ouyang Kang from the Institute of National Governance and the Institute of Philosophy,both at Huazhong University of Science and Technology,pertinently replied to various doubts and misunderstandings about the Belt and Road Initiative,raising questions and suggesting countermeasures from the perspective of the two-way construction of national and global governance,proposing to scientifically and rationally take both the domestic and international situations into consideration,and actively respond to changes in global governance.Professors Liu Zhibiao and Wu Fuxiang,both from the Department of Industrial Economics at the School of Business of Nanjing University,believe that enterprises,when embedded in the global value chain by means of manufacturing clusters,need to build value,technology,innovation,talent and employment chains that make countries along the Belt and Road co-exist and co-prosper.
作者 欧阳康 Ouyang Kang
出处 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第8期5-16,204,205,共14页 Social Sciences in China
基金 本文为教育部重大课题攻关项目“推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化若干重大问题研究”(教社科司函(2014)177号)、国家社科规划办重大委托项目“十八大以来党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略的哲学基础”(16ZZD046)、教育部社科司2018年“党的十九大精神研究专题项目”的成果之一。
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