
社会特征相似度感知的D2D数据转发算法 被引量:1

Social Feature Similarity-aware D2D Data Forwarding Algorithm
摘要 为提高蜂窝网络控制下终端直通(D2D)通信的数据转发效率,提出一种社会特征相似度感知的D2D数据转发算法。利用用户的多重社会特征和移动轨迹综合评估用户社会特征相似度,以用户社会特征相似度为权重,构建包含用户多重社会特征属性的重叠社区。在此基础上,根据用户本地活跃度选择中继进行社区内数据转发,并利用社区的重叠属性与相似性进行社区间数据转发。实验结果表明,该算法能够借助用户的社会特征属性提高数据转发效率,相比于未考虑社会特征的数据转发算法,在用户数为78时能使投递率提高36.2%,数据传输时延降低32.8%。 A Similarity of social feature similarity-aware data forwarding algorithm for Device-to-Device(D2D)communication under cellular networks is proposed to improve the efficiency of data forwarding.Firstly,the similarity of user’s social feature is evaluated with user’s multiple social feature and user’s movement track.Then,an overlapping community with multiple user’s social feature is constructed by the weight of similarity of user’s social feature.Finally,it chooses the relay to forward data in same community through local activity of inner community and forwards data in different communities through the attributes of overlapping and similarity.Experimental results show that,the data forwarding algorithm proposed by this paper can improve the efficiency of data forwarding by the help of user’s attributes of social feature.Compared with the algorithms of data forwarding without considering of social feature,it can improve the average delivery ratio by 36.2%and reduce the average delay of data forwarding by 32.8%when the number of user is 78.
作者 杨鹏 汪雄 闫俊杰 YANG Peng;WANG Xiong;YAN Junjie(School of Telecommunication and Information Engineering,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing 400065,China;Chongqing Municipal College Key Laboratory of Optical Communications and Networks,Chongqing 400065,China;China Academy of Information and Communications Technology,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期70-77,共8页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(61371097) 重庆高校创新团队建设计划项目(CXTDX201601020)
关键词 终端直通通信 社会特征 相似度 重叠社区 数据转发 Device-to-Device(D2D)communication social feature similarity overlapping community data forwarding
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