
庐江县顺港地区磁异常特征与靶区预测 被引量:8

Magnetic Anomaly Characteristics and Target Area Prediction of Shungang District in Lujiang County
摘要 安徽省庐江县顺港地区位于长江中下游铁、铜成矿带的中段北缘,区域构造上位于扬子准地台、华北地台及大别山造山带交接部位,成矿条件有利,矿化信息丰富,对比沙溪铜矿区地球物理特征,以寻找"沙溪式"斑岩铜矿为主攻方向,故以此为勘查区开展面积达82Km2的高精度磁法测量工作,数据初步处理结果显示该区存在6个较明显的异常区,整体趋势呈西高东低,与勘查区内航磁异常相吻合。为了更加准确精细地分析解释异常与该区地质情况之间的联系,分别对磁测数据进行化极、延拓、剩余异常求取、梯度计算、解析信号求取等处理,根据处理结果预测了2个成矿靶区并做出合理推断:C1异常由强磁性体或弱黄铜矿化体引起,其西侧成矿条件更为有利;C2异常由闪长斑岩引起;C4异常由小型构造带或埋藏较浅、范围不大的中酸性脉岩引起;C5异常由隐伏中酸性脉岩引起。整体磁异常的走向与郯庐大断层内构造带走向基本一致,推断由郯庐大断层内含矿构造带引起。 Shungang district,Lujiang county,Anhui province is located in the northern margin of middle section of the iron and copper metallogenic belt in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.In terms of regional tectonics,it is located in the junction of the Yangzi quasi ground platform,the North China platform and the Dabie Mountain orogenic belt,which has favorable metallogenic conditions and rich mineralization information.In order to find the“Shaxi-type”porphyry copper mine as the main direction of attack,compared the geophysical characteristics of the Shaxi copper ore area,an area of 82 square kilometers of high-precision magnetic measurement was carried out in the area.Preliminary data processing results showed that there were 6 obvious anomalous areas in the area,the trend was high in the west and low in the east,which is consistent with the aeromagnetic anomaly in the check area.In order to analyze and explain the relationship between the anomalies and the geological conditions in this area more accurately and precisely,the processing of magnetic data,such as pole,continuation,residual anomaly extraction,gradient calculation and analytical signal acquisition were carried out.Based on the results of the treatment,two ore-forming target areas were predicted and reasonable inferences were made:First,the anomaly C1 is caused by the strong magnetic body or the weak yellow copper body,and the metallogenic conditions on the west side are more favorable.Second,the anomaly C2 is caused by the diorite porphyry.Third,the anomaly C4 is caused by the small tectonic belts or the intermediate acid vein rock of the shallow burial and small range.Fourth,the anomaly C5 is caused by the concealed intermediate acid vein rock.The trend of the whole magnetic anomaly is basically consistent with that of the structural belt within the Tanlu Fault,which is caused by the ore-bearing tectonic belt within the Tanlu large fault.
作者 付光明 许强平 苏祥辉 杨卫国 张志 FU Guang-ming;XU Qiang-ping;SU Xiang-hui;YANG Wei-guo;ZHANG Zhi(School of Geophysics and Measurement-control Technology,East China University of Technology,Nanchang 330013,China;MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment,Institute of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037,China;China Deep Exploration Center-SinoProbe Center,China Geological Survey&Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China;No.327 geological team,Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources of Anhui Province,Hefei 230011,China)
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2018年第22期21-30,共10页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 地质调查项目(DD20160082)、国家自然科学基金(41574133)、国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0600201)、中国地质科学院基本科研业务费专项经费(YYWF201526)、安徽省庐江沙溪地区矿产地质调查项目(12120113069700)和安徽省庐江县顺港地区铜多金属矿预查项目(2010-2-19)资助.
关键词 顺港 磁异常 靶区预测 Shungang magnetic anomaly target prediction
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