The concept ol human destiny community can not only be understood in the sense ol dealing with the situation ol the times and the requirements ol contemporary development,but also contains a dual value direction.The formation and aggravation ol all kinds ol global problems make the subject ol human“class”prominent.To prevent and deal with global problems,to resolve and eliminate all kinds ol lundamental threats to human existence,and to create suitable environment and conditions lor the lurther development ol human society,this constitutes the direct value direction ol the concept ol“human destiny community”.The concept ol human destiny community contains a deep concern about the ultimate direction ol human luture development.The contemporary community is only a one-sided community,and it must be directed at the ultimate development ol human beings and move towards a comprehensive human community day by day.Constructing the community ol human destiny is not only a reflection on the development ol contemporary human beings,but also a reflection on the ultimate social ideal.
ZHUANG Yougang(Soochow University,Suzhou 215123,China)
Yuejiang Academic Journal