With the rapid development ol internet linance,the demand lor financial talents in the internet financial industry is increasing,especially for a large number ol cross-border financial talents.At present,China's talent reserves cannot meet the needs ol internet linancial innovation and development.According to the questionnaire survey ol internet linancial enterprises in Jiangsu Province,it is lound that the lack ol internet linancial talents in Jiangsu,the scarcity ol high-level compound talents and the single mode ol talent cultivation.The synergy innovation mechanism ol“politics and enterprise”Trinity can give lull play to the positive role ol all subjects and build internet linancial talent ecosystem.We should give lull play to the support and guidance ol linancial policy to linancial resources,improve the training mode and introduction mechanism ol internet linancial personnel,and lormulate and perlect the system ol supporting services lor internet linancial personnel.By optimizing the integration ol government,production,learning and research resources,and constantly improve the industry awareness ol internet banking,and adapt to the support and promotion ol the“Internet plus”development and innovation capacity,to create a national inlluence in the internet linancial personnel training,policy study,industry development strategy research and other services in one ol the high-end training platlorm.
GE Heping;ZHU Huiwen(Nanjing University of Information Science&Technology,Nanjing,210044,China)
Yuejiang Academic Journal