

Study on Pre-start and Pre-stop Operation Strategy of Central Air-conditioning System of Mall Building
摘要 本文以某商场建筑中央空调系统为研究对象,利用TRNSYS建立空调系统仿真平台。利用该仿真平台,研究了该商场建筑中央空调系统在不同提前启/停时间条件下的室内温度达标率,指出了影响商场建筑中央空调系统提前启/停机时间的主要因素,并分别给出了提前启/停机时间随室内温度和室外温度变化的规律。在保证室温达到规定温度的前提下,对不同提前启/停运行方案的节能性进行了模拟分析,提出了空调系统按实际情况确定合理的提前开机和提前停机时间的运行策略。 This article takes a central airconditioning system of a mall building as the research object,uses TRNSYS to establish the air conditioning system simulation platform.Based on the simulation platform,this paper studies the indoor temperature compliance rate of the central airconditioning system of the mall in different pre-start and pre-stop time,points out the main factors influencing the pre-start and pre-stop time of mall building central air-conditioning system,and gives the law of the pre-start and pre-stop time changes with the indoor temperature and outdoor temperature respectively.Based on the guaranteeing the standard of room temperature,the energy saving of different prestart and pre-stop time running schemes is simulated and analyzed,and the operation strategy of air-conditioning system to determine the reasonable starting and stopping time according to the actual situation is put forward.
作者 赵树兴 常平 ZHAO Shu-xing;CHANG Ping(School of Energy and Safety Engineering,Tianjin Chengjian University)
出处 《建筑热能通风空调》 2018年第7期1-5,共5页 Building Energy & Environment
关键词 商场建筑 中央空调系统 TRNSYS仿真模拟 提前启停时间 运行策略 mall building central air-conditioning system TRNSYS simulation pre-start and pre-stop time operation strategy
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