
进退失据:20世纪三四十年代甘肃壮丁兵役问题研究 被引量:1

Caught in A Dilemma:A Study on the Military Conscription for Able-bodied Men in Gansu Between the 1930s and 1940s
摘要 民国保甲制度兴起于20世纪30年代,重构于20世纪40年代,绵延不绝的战争始终与其风雨同行。抗战爆发后,没有健全征兵制度的国民政府不得不借助于保甲制度来征拨日益缺损的战争兵员,而乡镇保甲长迫于各种压力,亦采用各种不正当手段来完成这一艰巨的历史使命。但抗战的正义性并未能消除国民政府因滥拉强征给普通民众造成的心理恐惧,乡镇保甲长在征兵过程中种种不公平现象,则进一步加剧了乡镇保甲长与普通民众的关系。民国时期频繁的保甲诉讼,从一个侧面反映出乡镇保甲长群体的劣化及普通民众对乡镇保甲长的极端不信任。追寻民国乡镇保甲长备受诟病的历史内因,则不难发现这一现象的背后隐藏的却是连年的战争和积贫积弱的中国国情。 Baojia system,which implemented by the government of the Republic of China rose in the 1930s,and reconstructed in the 1940s.It always accompany with uninterrupted wars.After the War of Resistance breaking out,the government of the Republic of China had to draft men into the army by means of the Baojia system,because they was unable to build a fine military conscription system.Meanwhile,in order to see this difficult historical mission,town-chief in the county also took many improper means under many kinds of pressure.However,the government’s forcible conscription caused people’s Psychological fear,and it had never been eliminated by the sense of justice in the war.Relations between the town-chief of the county level and the ordinary people deteriorated sharply because of the unfair in the process of the conscription.There were many law cases about Baojia,reflecting the denegeration of the town-chief in the county and ordinary people’s extreme distrust of them from the side.Viewing in a historical perspective,it is not difficult to find that people’s oppose to the town-chief was just the appearance,the internal problem was uninterrupted wars and the weakness of China.
作者 柳德军 LIU De-jun(School of Modern China Research,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China)
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期60-67,共8页 Historical Research In Anhui
基金 国家社科基金项目"民国保甲制度与甘南藏区基层社会变革研究"(17BZS023) 中国博士后科学基金第11批特别资助项目(2018T110206)的阶段性成果
关键词 20世纪40年代 甘肃 保甲制度 兵役问题 in the 1940s Gansu Baojia system the military conscription for able-bodied Men
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