
绅士的分裂:咸同之际山东乡绅刘德培的抗官之路 被引量:2

Division of Gentry:Liu De-pei's Anti-Government Experience in the Late Xianfeng and Early Tongzhi Reigns
摘要 淄川绅士刘德培在咸同之际的抗官行动经历了从个人挑战到不断联合与吸纳当地绅士的过程。尽管性格中"好趋小利"的一面为一些绅士所不齿,其在"尚义"意识作用下的为民争利之举又能博得不少绅士的同情。1861年淄川四乡团练的兴起不但造成了"官弱民强"的社会氛围,还为刘德培等人的抗官行动提供了合法工具,从而对官府的利益和权威构成了严重威胁。借助信和团的力量,刘德培等人在乡村中攫取资源并积极增强自身影响力,在征税与司法方面均形成与官府强势竞争的局面。在成功地入城并压制了城内绅士的敌意后,刘德培等信和团领袖成为淄川城乡的实际控制者,而对博山团练首领的杀戮使得信和团完成了从团练到"团匪"、从"国家的朋友"到"国家的敌人"的转变。"刘德培事件"中多达二十余位绅士参与抗官,且不乏同情者,这反映出咸同之际官府权威严重削弱和清廷团练战略所激发的地方主义倾向共同导致了绅士阶层的分裂。 In the late Xianfeng and early Tongzhi reigns,the anti-government action of Liu De-pei who was a gentry in Zichuan,experienced the process from personal challenges to constantly uniting and absorbing local gentry.Although some gentries disliked the“preferences in small profits”of his character,Liu’s fight for the public interest under the awareness of“advocating morality and justice”could gain the sympathy from a number of gentries.However,in 1861,the rise of the local militias(Tuan-lian)in Zichuan not only caused the social state in which the government was weak and people were strong,but also provided the legal tools for Liu and others,which posed a more severe threat on the interest and authority of the local government than before.By the power of the“Xinhe Tuan”,Liu and others grabbed resources and actively pursued enhancing its impact on the countries,forming the competition against the local government in the aspects of taxation and justice.After successfully entered the Zichuan county town and suppressed the hostile of gentries,Liu and other leaders of the“Xinhe Tuan”became the actual controller of the town and country in Zichuan.Nevertheless,the killings to leaders of the local militia(Tuan-lian)in Boshan made the“Xinhe Tuan”complete a transformation from the local militias(Tuan-lian)to“Tuan-fei”,and from“country’s friend”to“country’s enemy”.The situation that more than twenty gentries participated in the anti-government action and there were many sympathizers in the”Liu De-pei Event”showed that severely weakness of government authority at the turn of Xianfeng and Tongzhi reigns and the tendency of localism stimulated by Tuan-lian strategy of the Qing court jointly caused the division of the gentry class.
作者 崔岷 CUI Min(School of History and Culture,Minzu University of China,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期142-149,共8页 Historical Research In Anhui
关键词 刘德培 团练 抗官 绅士分裂 Liu De-pei Tuan-lian the anti-government action division of the gentry class
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