
依恋与人格障碍的关系:维度诊断的新视角 被引量:8

A Study of Attachment and Personality Disorder from the Perspective of Dimensional Approach
摘要 人格障碍是一种常见的、具有临床挑战性和社会破坏性的心理疾病。易感基因、人格特质和后天环境的交互作用导致了人格障碍患者的内心体验和行为模式持久地偏离其所在文化的规范。个体生命早期与主要抚养人之间的依恋关系是诱发人格病理倾向并发展为人格障碍的重要环境因素。基于维度诊断的新视角更有助于全面深入理解依恋对于人格障碍的形成机制。评估人格功能受损程度是人格障碍维度诊断的第一步。依据依恋理论和精神分析学,不安全依恋会导致自我功能和人际功能不良,但是否达到人格障碍诊断所要求的中等程度以上的受损还有待进一步分析。人格障碍维度诊断的第二步是通过病理性人格特质区分人格障碍的类型。不安全依恋与消极情绪性、对立违抗、去抑制、分离感和精神质五大病理性人格特质维度都存在一致的、中等以上水平的正相关。但是,人格障碍诊断还需要综合评估人格功能受损程度以及典型的病理性人格特质组合,亟待更多未来研究直接验证在新的诊断范式下依恋关系对所有人格障碍的形成机制。 Personality disorder refers to an individual s inner experience and behavior patterns persistently deviating from the norms of his culture.It is a common mental illness with clinical challenging and it is socially destructive.The antecedents of personality disorder include susceptibility genes,personality traits,and the environment.Attachment with the primary caregiver at the early stage was the critical environment factor to what extent susceptibility genes and personality traits become pathological personality.The new perspective of dimensional approach to diagnose personality disorder is more suitable to understand the relationship between attachment and personality disorder.The first step of dimensional approach is to assess personality function,which is derived from the attachment theory and psychoanalysis.Self and interpersonal dysfunction is associated with insecure attachment;however,whether it is satisfied with the minimum requirements of impaired personality function to assess personality disorders still needs further study.The second step is to discriminate different types of personality disorder through pathological personality traits.Insecure attachment is moderately correlated to all of the five pathological personality traits,i.e.,negative affect,detachment,antagonism,disinhibition,and psychoticism,consistently.However,the diagnosis of personality disorder should integrate the former two steps.There still need more studies of personality disorders assessed by dimensional approach.For future studies,it is necessary to explore directly the contribution of attachment to the development of personality disorders within the new diagnosis paradigm.
作者 张文娟 叶惠玲 许晓栎 王硕 ZHANG Wen-juan;YE Hui-ling;XU Xiao-yue;WANG Shuo(Department of Psychology,Wuhan University,Wnhan 430072;Student Counsalting Center,Beijing Language and Culture University,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期72-82,共11页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"留守青少年人格发展的动态评估与预防性干预"(16YJC190031)
关键词 依恋 自我功能 人际功能 病理性人格特质 attachment self-function interpersonal-function pathological personality traits
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