
电迁移不同失效模式的微观机理及其有限元寿命预测 被引量:5

Micro-mechanism of different electromigration failure modes and its FEA life prediction
摘要 基于电迁移加速试验,在不同的电流密度及温度条件下对BGA结构的电迁移失效模式进行了分析。从原子扩散剧烈程度的角度,得到了由原子的显著迁移以及裂纹的扩展所引起的电迁移失效模式的竞争机制。同时利用原子密度积分算法,通过自适应时间增量步算法来提高其计算精度及效率,并用来分析其电迁移寿命。将试验及模拟结果进行对比,分析了目前电迁移算法的弊端,并提出了改进方案。 Based on the electromigration speed test,the different electromigration failure modes of BGA structure under different electronic densities and temperatures were investigated.From the perspective of atom diffusion level,the competitive relationship between atom migration dominated failure and crack dominated failure was obtained.With the help of atomic density redistribution algorithm,combined with the adaptive time increment step method,this paper predicted the electromigration life under different conditions.Compared with the experimental and simulation results,the limitation of this algorithm was analyzed and gave the improvement action plans.
作者 张继成 张元祥 王静 梁利华 ZHANG Jicheng;ZHANG Yuanxiang;WANG Jing;LIANG Lihua(College of Mechanical Engineering,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310014,China;College of Mechanical Engineering,Quzhou University,Quzhou 324000,Zhejiang Province,China)
出处 《电子元件与材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期9-15,共7页 Electronic Components And Materials
基金 国家自然科学基金(51375447 51375448 51605252)
关键词 电迁移试验 原子扩散 裂纹扩展 失效模式 数值模拟 寿命预测 electromigration test atom diffusion crack evolution failure mode numerical simulation life prediction
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