
2个氮水平下不同施锌方式对覆膜水稻产量及锌吸收的影响 被引量:5

Effects of Different Zn Application Methods on Yield and Zn uptake of Plastic Mulching Rice under Two Nitrogen Levels
摘要 【目的】为了初步明确不同施锌方式对覆膜水稻产量、锌积累及分配的影响,进而为施锌覆膜水稻的高产高效提供参考依据。【方法】在川中丘陵区采用土施锌肥,喷施锌肥及土施+喷施锌肥3种不同施锌方式,在推荐施氮(120 kg/hm^2)和传统施氮(180 kg/hm^2)水平下,对覆膜栽培水稻的生产力和锌肥利用进行了研究。【结果】结果表明:在推荐施氮水平下,各施锌处理均能提高覆膜水稻的产量,以土施锌肥为最佳处理,传统施氮水平下施锌肥不能提高覆膜水稻产量。推荐施氮,土施锌肥处理成熟期籽粒产量及地上部分总生物量最高,分别6890,12 190 kg/hm^2,土施+喷施锌肥处理可以提高覆膜水稻秸秆的收获量。施锌处理的覆膜水稻秸秆和籽粒锌吸收量均高于不施锌处理,推荐施氮水平下不同施锌方式覆膜水稻秸秆和籽粒的锌吸收量均相对高于传统施氮水平下的相同处理,喷施锌肥能促进覆膜水稻秸秆的锌吸收,土施锌肥能促进覆膜水稻籽粒的锌吸收,以推荐施氮,土施+喷施锌肥处理秸秆、籽粒及地上部分的锌吸收量为最高,分别为198.6,212.2和410.8 g/hm^2。【结论】各施锌处理下覆膜栽培水稻秸秆、籽粒吸氮量及地上部分总吸氮量均高于不施锌处理,不同施锌方式间氮收获指数差异不显著,以推荐施氮(120 kg/hm^2),土施锌肥处理更利于覆膜水稻对氮肥的高效利用。 【Objective】In order to preliminary determine the effects of different Zn application methods on the rice yield,Zn accumulation and distribution of plastic mulching rice,and provide a reference for high yield and high efficiency of plastic mulching rice.【Method】In the hilly area of Sichuan adopted①soil application of Zn fertilizer(ZnS),②foliar spraying Zn fertilizer(ZnL)and③soil Zn fertilizer+foliar spraying Zn fertilizer(ZnS+L)three different Zn application methods,in the recommended nitrogen(120 kg/hm2)and traditional nitrogen(180 kg/hm2)level,the effect of the productivity of plastic mulching rice and Zn fertilizer utilization were studied.【Result】The results showed that under the recommended levels of N,all treatment that attending Zn can improve the effect of plastic mulching rice production,and ZnS was the best treatment,Zn fertilizer under traditional nitrogen level can't improve the yield of plastic mulching rice.Recommended nitrogen,ZnS have the highest grain yield(6890 kg/hm 2)and total above ground biomass(12190 kg/hm 2),ZnS+L can improve the yield of rice straw.The rice straw and grain Zn uptake of Zn application treatment were higher than no Zn,The Zn absorption of rice straw and grain under the recommended N level was relatively higher than the traditional N level under the same Zn application treatment.ZnL can promote the effect of Zn absorption of rice straw,ZnS can promote the effect of Zn absorption of rice grain,to recommend N,ZnS+L have the highest Zn uptake of straw,grain and the above ground part,were 198.6,212.2 and 410.8 g/hm 2 respectively.【Conclusion】The nitrogen uptake of rice straw,grain and the above ground part of Zn application treatments were higher than no Zn,There was no significant difference in the nitrogen harvest index between different treatment,recommend nitrogen soil Zn fertilizer treatment was more conducive to the efficient utilization of nitrogen fertilizer of plastic mulching rice.
作者 董瑜皎 袁江 吕世华 DONG Yu-jiao;YUAN Jiang;LU Shi-hua(Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Sichuan Chengdu 610066,China;College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China)
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期1655-1661,共7页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 国际锌协会项目(Zinc Nutrient Initiative MD-86) 四川省农业科学院青年基金专项(2015QNJJ-016) 四川省财政创新能力提升专项公益性研究深化工程(016GYSH-021) 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室开放课题(Y20160039)
关键词 施锌方式 覆膜栽培 水稻生产力 锌肥利用 Zn application method Plastic cover Rice productivity Zn fertilizer utilization
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