
生育对城镇体制内女性工资收入的影响 被引量:21

The Effect of Children on Wage of Chinese Urban Female Workers in the State System
摘要 聚焦受计划生育政策严格限制的我国城镇体制内女职工群体,探究生育行为对女职工工资收入的影响。利用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS) 2010、2012及2014年三期混合截面数据展开的2SLS回归分析证实,生育子女对城镇体制内女职工工资收入存在显著的负向影响。每多生育一个孩子,女职工工资率将显著下降18. 4%,月工资亦显著下降15. 9%。此"生育工资惩罚"效应在生育一孩时较生育二孩时边际影响更大,对受教育程度较低或没有管理职务的女职工影响更强。政策层面,应重点关注体制内家庭生育意愿的动态变化,推动和完善职业职务配套鼓励措施,为我国顺利推进"全面二孩"政策保驾护航。 This paper focuses on the urban females who work in the governmental agencies and the state-owned companies,the most restricted group by family-planning policy in China,and examines the effect of childbearing on the wage of female workers.Analyses using China Family Panel Studies(CFPS)database certificate that,there is definitely a negative effect of childbearing on urban female workers’wage in the state system.The wage rate of female workers significantly declines by 18.8%and monthly wage notably reduces by 16.9%when they have an additional child.Furthermore,the low-educated women or the female workers on the ordinary position suffer more.These effect could affect the fertility behavior of the woman.Government should take more relevant measures supporting the universal second-child policy.
作者 刘娜 卢玲花 LIU Na;LU Linghua(Business School,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105,China)
机构地区 湘潭大学商学院
出处 《人口与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期10-19,共10页 Population & Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"生育政策调整 住户规模效应与中国家庭收入不平等研究"(16BJL041)
关键词 生育工资惩罚 体制内 全面二孩 工具变量法 the motherhood penalty the state system universal two-child policy instrumental variable
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