目的探讨Klotho基因G-395A位点多态性与糖尿病肾病的关系。方法选取单纯2型糖尿病患者147例(单纯糖尿病组)、糖尿病肾病患者98例(糖尿病肾病组)、健康志愿者100例(健康组),采用实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应技术检测各组Klotho基因G-395A位点多态性,采用多因素Logistic回归分析法分析糖尿病肾病发病的危险因素。结果经实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应技术检测,Klotho基因G-395A位点出现了AA、GA、GG三种基因型。健康组与单纯糖尿病组AA基因型分布明显低于糖尿病肾病组,GA基因型+GG基因型分布明显高于糖尿病肾病组(P均<0. 05);健康组与单纯糖尿病组AA基因型、GA基因型+GG基因型分布比较P均>0. 05。健康组与单纯糖尿病组A等位基因频数明显低于糖尿病肾病组,G等位基因频数明显高于糖尿病肾病组(P均<0. 05);健康组与单纯糖尿病组组A、G等位基因频数比较P均>0. 05。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,Klotho基因G-395A位点AA基因型分布增加是糖尿病肾病发病的危险因素(OR=2. 026,95%CI:0. 902~4. 552,P=0. 087)。结论 Klotho基因G-395A位点多态性与糖尿病肾病发病有关,该位点AA基因型分布增加可能是糖尿病肾病发病的独立危险因素。
Objective To explore the relationship between polymorphism of the Klotho gene G-395A and the diabetic nephropathy(DN).Methods Totally 245 patients were selected,including 147 diabetic patients(single diabetic group),98 DN patients(DN group),and 100 healthy volunteers(control group),the Klotho gene G-395A genotype and allele were detected by real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the risk factors of DN.Results Three genotypes,AA,GA,and GG,were found at the G-395A site of Klotho gene by re-al-time fluorescent quantitative PCR.The distribution of AA genotype in the control group and single diabetic group was significantly lower than that in the DN group(P<0.05),and the distribution of GA+GG genotype was significantly higher than that of the DN group(P<0.05).No significant difference was found in the distribution of AA and GA+GG geno-types between the control group and the single diabetic group(P>0.05).The frequency of allele A in the control group and single diabetic group was significantly lower than that in the DN group,and the frequency of allele G was significantly higher than that in the DN group(both P<0.05).There was no difference in the frequencies of alleles of A and G be-tween the control group and the single diabetic group(P>0.05).Multiple Logistic regression analysis showed that Klotho gene G-395A site AA was a risk factor for DN(OR=2.026,95%C/:0.902^.552,P=0.087).Conclusion The poly-morphism of the Klotho gene G-395A site is related to the incidence of DN,and the distribution of AA genotype may be an independent risk factor for the incidence of DN.
LI Yang;HUANG Denggao;ZHENG Linlin;CAO Hui;GAO Yuanhui;FAN Zhongcheng(Haikou Hospital Affiliated to Xiangya Medical collge of central South University,Haikou 570203,China)
Shandong Medical Journal