

Epidemiological Investigation of Hohhot Children Epilepsy
摘要 目的:调查呼和浩特市三所三甲医院儿童癫痫流行病学特点。方法:对呼和浩特市三所三甲医院确诊的0—14岁的200例癫痫患儿进行临床资料采集。并对治疗半年以上复发和来院复查的74名患儿进行预后信息采集。对结果进行统计学分析。结果:呼和浩特市癫痫患儿临床特点为:男性患儿较多;居住地在农村的患儿较多;以1—3岁幼儿为主;母孕期情况以孕期服药史为主要诱因;6%的患儿有癫痫家族史;治疗依从性是影响预后的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:呼和浩特市儿童癫痫流行病学特点为男性和农村患儿较多,1—3岁幼儿为主。加强农村地区医疗建设、加强妇女的孕期宣教和提高患儿及家长的用药依从性是减少儿童癫痫发生和提高治愈率的关键。 Objective:to investigate Hohhot three 3 armour hospital children epilepsy epidemiological characteristics.Methods:the Hohhot three 3 armour hospital diagnosed by 0 to 14 years old,200 cases of children with epilepsy in clinical data collection.And half year relapse to treatment and to court review of prognostic information collection in 74 children.The results are statistically analyzed.Results:Hohhot epilepsy in children with clinical characteristics as follows:male children more;More children to live in the countryside;Give priority to with 1-3 years old children;The mother during pregnancy to pregnancy medication history as the main cause;6%of the children have a family history of epilepsy.Treatment adherence are risk factors affecting the prognosis(P<0.05).Conclusion:Hohhot epidemiological characteristics for men and children epilepsy more rural children,1 to 3 years old children.To strengthen the construction of rural medical treatment,enforce the pregnancy of women education,and improve the children and parents of medication compliance is the key to reduce and improve the cure rate of epilepsy in childhood.
作者 王欣月 刘慧雯 冯耀清 WANG Xin-yue;LIU Hui-wen;FENG Yao-qing(Emergency department,The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia 010059,China;School of Nursing Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia 010059,China)
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2018年第33期232-233,共2页 Education And Teaching Forum
关键词 儿童癫痫 流行病学调查 治疗依从性 epilepsy in children epidemiological investigation treatment compliance
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