
超越反转的第二意象——国家间战争、个体社会流动和福利国家的军事起源 被引量:2

Beyond the Reversed Second Image: Interstate War, Social Mobility and the Military Origins of the Welfare State
摘要 "三个意象"提出近60年来,国际—国家—个体三个层次如何互动的研究一直缺乏微观基础。经典文献运用"战争打造国家"的理论,认为战争通过加强国家能力为福利国家推行再分配政策奠定基础。作者挑战了这一观点,提出一个拥有微观基础的战争补偿理论,并通过定量分析1800—2010年间19个西方主要国家累进所得税税率与其在该时期所有重大国际战争中动员和死亡规模之间的关系,论证军事动员由于能够提高个体的社会流动,反而会降低社会的整体再分配需求。只有战争造成的伤亡才会迫使国家提高税率,用收入再分配补偿战时的牺牲。该研究通过揭示军人个体层面的主观社会流动预期和再分配偏好,为国家间战争(国际因素)对福利国家(国内政治)的影响提供了微观基础,为我们理解国际体系、国内政治以及个体偏好三者间的互动如何形塑重大政治变迁提供了示例。 For sixty years since the publication of Men,the State and War,the literature rarely provides micro-foundations for the intertwining of the three images in shaping political outcomes.This article aims to fill this gap by looking into the historical development of the welfare state.The conventional view,following the“war-makes-state”thesis,argues that war necessitates state intervention and fosters state capacities,which lays the administrative and fiscal foundations for the welfare state.Challenging this view,this article argues that mass mobilization during war preparation by increasing prospects of social mobility actually reduces the demand for redistribution.It is casualties during war that compel the state to compensate the sacrifice through income redistribution.This compensatory theory of mass mobilization and sacrifice is supported by statistical analysis of a new dataset of progressive taxation and interstate war participation of 19 Great Powers during 1800-2010.This article gives an example of how the three images interact on the basis of micro-level preferences to bring about domestic political change.
作者 蒙克 Meng Ke(Assistant Professor,School of Public Policy and Management,Tsinghua University)
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第7期92-121,159,共31页 World Economics and Politics
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"养老 就业和家庭政策统筹协调机制的研究"(项目批准号:16CGL045) 清华大学自主科研基金项目"中国女性劳动参与率和总和生育率关系变动"(项目批准号:2015THZWJC09) 唐仲英基金会"仲英青年学者"项目的资助
关键词 三个意象 微观基础 国家间战争 福利国家 社会流动 three images micro-foundation interstate war welfare state social mobility
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