目的调查辽西地区0~14岁儿童哮喘的发病情况,并分析其危险因素。方法采用随机抽样的方法选取2000年7月-2014年6月于辽西锦州、葫芦岛、阜新、盘锦及朝阳市抽取的0~14岁20 000例儿童进行哮喘流行病学调查。结果本研究收回完整调查问卷19 679份,应答率为98.40%。其中哮喘儿童491例,患病率为2.50%。诱因以呼吸道感染最常见,约为84.66%。季节交替为儿童哮喘发病的高峰,约为41.29%,其次为冬季,约为28.31%。好发时间段以午夜和清晨为主,分别为31.54%和27.26%。首次发病年龄<3岁患儿363例,占患儿总例数的73.93%。发作类型以突然发作为主,占45.82%;最严重发作程度以中度为主,占60.49%。患儿中一、二级亲属有哮喘史的分别占26.27%和18.94%。哮喘儿童个人过敏史中最常见的是湿疹,占49.08%。491例哮喘患儿在哮喘发作时大多数使用支气管舒张剂治疗(86.97%)。结论男童患病率高于女童,以学龄期儿童最高;哮喘的诱因以呼吸道感染为主;哮喘的发作具有明显的遗传倾向;目前我国不规范治疗及滥用抗生素现象仍比较严重,应进一步普及和推广国际标准化治疗方案。
Objective To investigation the incidence of asthma in children aged 0-14 years in five cities of western Liaoning and to analyze the risk factors.Methods Using random sampling method,a total of 20,000 children aged 0-14 years were extracted from five cities in western Liaoning(Jinzhou,Huludao,Fuxin,Panjin and Chaoyang)for childhood asthma epidemiological survey between July 1,2000 and June 30,2014.Results The complete questionnaires were collected from 19,679 children with a response rate of 98.40%.Among them,491 children had asthma,the prevalence rate was 2.50%.The most common cause was respiratory infection accounting for almost 84.66%.The peak season of childhood asthma was the alternation of seasons(41.29%),followed by winter(about 28.31%).The prevailing time period was mainly midnight and early morning,which accounted for 31.54%and 27.26%respectively.The number of children with the first-onset under the age of 3 years was 363,accounting for 73.93%of the total number of children.The type of attack was mainly sudden attack,accounting for 45.82%;the most serious seizures were chiefly moderate,accounting for about 60.49%.Of the children,26.27%and 18.94%of the first-and second-degree relatives had a history of asthma,respectively.Eczema was most common in the history of individual allergies in children with asthma,accounting for about 49.08%.Most of the 491 children with asthma were treated with bronchodilators during asthma attacks,accounting for 86.97%.Conclusions The survey revealed that the prevalence rate of boys is significantly higher than that of girls,with the highest in school-age children.The cause of asthma is mainly respiratory infections.Asthma attacks have obvious genetic predisposition.In China nonstandard treatment and the phenomenon of antibiotic abuse are still quite serious,international standardized treatment regimens should be further popularized and promoted.
Sheng-hong Zhang;Zhong Liu(Department of Allergy,the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinzhou Medical University,Jinzhou,Liaoning 121001,China;Department of Respiratory Medicine,the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinzhou Medical University,Jinzhou,Liaoning 121001,China)
China Journal of Modern Medicine