
溢出效应、交易网络与区域电子商务发展:基于淘宝、天猫平台的交易数据分析 被引量:9

Spillover effect, transaction network and regional e-commerce development: An analysis of transaction data on Taobao and Tmall
摘要 电子商务作为一种跨区域、网络化的新型经济活动,近年来对中国经济发展产生了日益重要的影响。本研究从外部性的视角结合区域电子商务发展理论和社会网络理论,利用2011-2013年淘宝、天猫平台31个省份之间的电子商务交易数据,对溢出效应、交易网络与区域电子商务发展之间关系进行了研究与计量分析。研究发现,在省际电子商务交易网络中,存在跨区域的电子商务溢出效应,这种效应主要通过邻省信息基础设施实现;并且对于那些电子商务交易网络中心性越高的区域节点,邻省信息基础设施的溢出效应对本省电子商务发展的促进作用就越大。最后,我们先阐述了本研究的理论贡献,并进而从国家和区域两个层面探讨了政策启示。尤其需要指出的是,在制订区域电子商务发展政策时,不仅需要考虑权衡在信息基础设施与物流交通基础设施上的投资,还需要考虑如何通过相关政策来加强本区域利用电子商务溢出效应的能力的提升。 As a cross-regional,internet-based economic activity,electronic commerce(e-commerce)has been playing an important role in influencing the development of Chinese economy in recent years.Combined with theory of regional e-commerce development and social network theory,this paper empirically investigates the relationship among spillover effect,e-commerce transaction network and regional e-commerce development by using cross-provincial transaction data of 31 provinces on Taobao and Tmall from 2011 to 2013.In the first part,this paper introduces theoretical background and proposes research hypotheses.In prior literatures,numerous works have examined factors that drive the development of regional e-commerce.It is generally recognized that regional economic development level and infrastructure are the most important factors.However,a majority of scholars in current works only focus on factors from region itself,but neglect factors from other regions that manifested as spillover effect caused by cross-regional characteristics of e-commerce.Furthermore,it is worth noting that even though there exists a significant spillover effect in the development of regional e-commerce,it does not imply that every region can yield benefit from the transaction relationships with other regions.Based on theoretical gap,three research hypotheses are proposed.In the second part,this paper builds research model,explains the meaning and measurement method of each variable,and describes data collection and processing.In order to validate all the proposed hypotheses,cross-provincial transaction data of 31 provinces on Taobao and Tmall from 2011 to 2013 are collected.In addition,for measuring provincial infrastructure investment and control provincial factors,this paper also obtains relevant data from the government’s official website and other public websites.The third part shows empirical findings by using multiple linear regression method.The results reveal that in interprovincial e-commerce transaction network,there exists cross-regional spillover effect,which is mainly caused by information infrastructures from adjacent provinces.Furthermore,the higher the closeness centrality of e-commerce transaction network,the greater the spillover effect on the development of e-commerce in the focal province.The last part presents discussions.Theoretical implications are firstly illustrated.And then followed by policy implications from both national and regional level.The findings in this paper suggest that when making e-commerce development policies,besides increasing investment on information infrastructure and transportation infrastructure,the fact that how to enhance the ability to utilize e-commerce spillover effect need to be taken into consideration as well.
作者 刘渊 李旋 董思怡 杨洋 LIU Yuan;LI Xuan;DONG Si-yi;YANG Yang(School of Management,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China)
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期239-246,共8页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 国家社科基金资助重大招标项目(14ZDB137) 国家自科基金资助项目(U1509221)
关键词 溢出效应 交易网络 区域电子商务 信息基础设施 物流交通基础设施 Spillover effect Transaction network Regional e-commerce Information infrastructure Transportation infrastructure
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