
基于匿名路由的移动位置隐私保护 被引量:3

Mobile Location Privacy Protection Based on Anonymous Routing
摘要 为了保证移动节点在使用基于位置的服务时的位置隐私,提出基于匿名路由的移动位置隐私保护方法。该方法将移动网络中的每一个移动节点都当作可以使用的中转节点,采用重路由的方式进行路由选择,第一跳用随机选取的方式选择中转节点,剩下的路径选择通过一定的转发概率来确定下一跳并将其发送给中转节点或LBS服务器。为保证位置信息不被泄露,移动发送节点用目标服务器的公钥对地理位置信息和查询信息进行加密,再利用下一跳的公钥对已加密的内容进行二次加密,并转发给下一跳。同时中转节点收到后,用当前节点的私钥解密,解密时只能解密最外层,再用随机选取的下一跳的公钥加密,重复此过程,直至LBS服务器接收到移动发送节点发来的信息。理论分析和实验结果表明,这种移动位置隐私保护方式可以保证LBS服务器和任何中转节点都不能获取移动发送节点的位置隐私,可以在较低的代价下实现移动发送节点的位置隐私保护。并且在该方案中中转节点可以是移动网络中的任意一个节点,不会因为部分节点故障导致通信失败,因此所提方案的健壮性较好。 To preserve the security of mobile location pravicy based on location services,a mobile location pravicy protection model based on anonymous routing was presented.This model makes every mobile node as a forwarder and uses rerouting to select a route.It uses random selected mobile node as first forwarder,queries issued by it are firstly encrypts with public key of the location information server and secondly encrypted with the public key of first forwarder.Then mobile sending node sends it to first forwarder.The first forwarder receives it and decides next hop which is either location information server or second forwarder,the first forwarder firstly decrypts it with private key of first forwar-der,then secondly encrypts it with the public key of next hop.If next hop is second forwarder,it does what the first forwarder does until the location information server receives this message.Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the mobile location privacy protection model can ensure the location privacy of location information server and any forwarder node can acquire mobile nodes,and it can realize the location privacy protection of a mobile node at a low price.Moreover,forwarder node can be any node in the mobile network,so this model is robust and can’t fail due to the faults of some nodes.
作者 熊婉竹 李晓宇 XIONG Wan-zhu;LI Xiao-yu(School of Information Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450000,China)
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期142-149,共8页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61472412) 河南省教育厅自然科学基金(14A520012)资助
关键词 移动位置隐私 匿名路由 加密机制 安全性 匿名性 Mobile location privacy Anonymous routing Encryption mechanism Safety Anonymity
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