
特朗普政府的南海政策及中美海上安全挑战 被引量:13

Trump Administration's South China Sea Policy and Its Implications for Sino-U.S. Maritime Security
摘要 2018年,中美关系出现重大转折,特朗普政府对南海问题的干预与介入也在加深,美国不仅指责中国的南海政策,对南海局势进行干涉,还加大了在南海的军事、外交、政治和战略部署。美国高度重视南海问题的根本原因在于其相关利益,维护美国主导的海洋安全态势是美国在亚太地区的重大战略目标,中国的海上军事力量建设与南海维权、维稳使美国担心中国的战略性崛起。特朗普政府执政以来,美国一味地将中国在南海的岛礁建设视为"军事化"行为,并因此强化了在南海地区的"航行自由行动",提出了地缘战略力量重新组合的"印太战略"。特朗普政府的南海政策不仅挑衅了中国的主权与安全,也加剧了南海地区的紧张局势。中美两国在南海的博弈态势成为考验中美军事和战略关系走向的最大变量。本文旨在探讨特朗普政府的南海政策和战略思路出现的新变化,南海局势在中美关系和亚太地区的力量再平衡中扮演的角色,以及南海问题对中美关系的挑战,深入分析中美关系新变化中的安全与战略因素。 The year of 2018 witnessed some significant changes in Sino-U.S.trade and economic relations.Meanwhile,Trump Administration deepened its intrusive interference in the South China.The United States not only accused China of its South China Sea policy,but also increased its military,diplomatic,political and strategic deployment in this region.The driving force for American involvement in the South China Sea disputes is its strategic interests in maintaining American predominance in this West Asia Pacific region,and its deep concern of the strategic challenges posed by a rising China with powerful maritime military forces.Since Mr.Trump took office,the United States has been accusing China of its activities in the South China Sea as militarization,and conducted more“freedom of navigation operations”(FONOPs)than in the past of which some were quite provocative in China s view.At the same time,Trump Administration began to promote the concept of“Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy”.Trump Administration s South China Sea policy not only challenged China s sovereignty and security,but also intensified the tension in this region.Considering the overall state of bilateral relationship,the interaction between China and the United States over the South China Sea dispute might have the potential to determine the future of bilateral relations.This paper aims to explore the new changes and underlying logic of Trump Administration s South China Sea policy,and further analyzes how the South China Sea issue may affect the balance of power in Asia Pacific in general and the trajectory of bilateral relations in particular.
作者 朱锋 ZHU Feng(Institute of International Studies;China Center for Collaborative Studies of the South China Sea at Nanjing University)
出处 《当代美国评论》 2018年第3期1-22,122,123,共24页 Contemporary American Review
关键词 中美关系 特朗普政府南海政策 南海争议 “印太战略” China-U.S.Relations Trump Administration American Foreign Policy South China Sea Indo-Pacific Strategy
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