
基于Zanker型流动调整器的平面双弯头流场特性研究 被引量:5

Study of flow field characteristics of plane double elbow based on Zanker perforated flow regulator
摘要 平面双弯头管道广泛用于连接高差突变的管路中,产生的畸变流场严重影响流量测量仪器的精度,所以常在管道上加装流动调整器,用以消除不正常流动。基于此,本文采用RNGk-ε湍流模型模拟有无增设Zanker型流动调整器时的平面双弯头流场特性。结果表明,加设Zanker型流动调整器时,在轴向位置x/D=9处的速度分布已经十分接近充分发育的湍流流速分布,在轴向位置x/D=12处的流速分布与充分发育的流速分布完全吻合。Zanker型流动调整器对双弯头引起的流场紊动具有很好的调节作用,随着轴向位置的增加,紊动的流场快速达到稳定,流速对称稳定分布,且当流速处于紊流光滑区时速度的变化对流场影响不大。 The flat double elbow pipe is widely used to connect sudden changes in the pipeline,resulting in the distortion flow field seriously affecting the accuracy of flow measurement instruments.So the flow regulator is often installed in the pipeline to eliminate abnormal flow.Based on this,we use the RNG k-εturbulence model to simulate the flow field characteristics of the flat double elbow with or without flow regulator of the Zanker type.The results show that the velocity profile at the axial position of x/D=9 is very close to the well-developed turbulent flow velocity profile,and with a velocity profile at the axial position of x/D=12,distribution and full development of the flow velocity distribution are completely consistent.The flow regulator of the Zanker type has a good regulation of the turbulent flow caused by the double elbow.As the distance of the axial position from the outlet of the flow regulator increases,the turbulent flow field stabilizes quickly and the flow velocity is symmetrically and stably distributed when the flow velocity is in turbulent smooth zone,the change of velocity has little effect on the flow field.
作者 张巧玲 曹佳豪 杨振东 李国栋 薛文 ZHANG Qiaoling;CAO Jiahao;YANG Zhendong;LI Guodong;XUE Wen(State Key Laboratory of Eco-hydraulics in Northwest Arid Region of China,Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048,China)
出处 《西安理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第3期326-331,共6页 Journal of Xi'an University of Technology
基金 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划资助项目(2015JQ5181) 陕西省教育厅科学研究计划专项资助项目(14JK1534) 国家自然科学基金青年资助项目(51706180)
关键词 Zanker型流动调整器 数值模拟 流场畸变 平面双弯头 flow regulator of the Zanker type numerical simulation flow field distortion flat double elbow
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