
男性单相与双相抑郁障碍患者静息态局部脑区低频振幅差异的观察 被引量:1

The amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation of unipolar depression and bipolar depression in male patients: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance study
摘要 目的:探讨男性中青年单、双相抑郁障碍患者静息态下局部脑区活动的低频振幅(ALFF)特征。方法:对12例男性单相抑郁患者(单相抑郁组)、12例双相抑郁患者(双相抑郁组)及年龄及受教育程度相匹配的11名男性健康志愿者(健康对照组)进行3. 0 T静息态功能磁共振(fMRI)扫描,计算全脑ALFF值,并进行比较分析。结果:3组间ALFF值在左侧颞中回(-54,-51,9; K=18)、双侧前扣带回(±3,42,15; K=20)比较差异有统计学意义(P均<0. 01,Alphasim矫正);与健康对照组相比,单相抑郁组双侧前扣带回(±3,39,15; K=18) ALFF值显著减少(P均<0. 01),双相抑郁组左侧颞中回(-48,-60,6; K=8;-51,-51,9; K=2) ALFF值显著增加(P均<0. 01);单相抑郁组较双相抑郁组左侧颞中回(-54,-51,9; K=10)和左侧前扣带回(0,42,18; K=16) ALFF值显著减小(P均<0. 01)。结论:男性单、双相抑郁障碍患者静息态下左前扣带回及左侧颞中回活动存在异常,或可作为区分单、双相抑郁障碍的生物学标记。 Objective:To explore the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation(ALFF)feature of the spontaneous neural activity between young unipolar and bipolar depression male patients,we attempt to find the biological markers to distinguish the two diseases. Method:Twelve unipolar male depression patients(unipolar depression group),12 bipolar male depression patients(bipolar depression group)and 11 age-,educated-matched male healthy controls(healthy control group)were recruited to undergo the 3.0 Tesla resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scanning.Calculate the whole brain's amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation and make statistical analyses.Results:The ALFF in the left middle temporal gyrus(-54,-51,9;K=18)and in the bilateral anterior cingulate gyrus(±3,42,15;K=20)among the three groups that had significant differences(all P<0.01,Alphasim).Compared to the healthy control group,the unipolar depression group had significantly lower ALFF in the bilateral anterior cingulate gyrus(±3,39,15;K=18)(all P<0.01);while the bipolar depression group had significantly higher ALFF in the the left middle temporal gyrus(-48,-60,6;K=8;-51,-51,9;K=2)(all P<0.01).And the ALFF in the left middle temporal gyrus(-54,-51,9;K=10)and in the left anterior cingulate gyrus(0,42,18;K=16)were siglifcantly lower in the unipolar depression group compared to the bipolar depression group(all P<0.01).Conclusion:Abnormities exist in the brain regions in unipolar or bipolar depression male patients in the resting state,and the abnormal regions may be the biological markers to distinguish the two diseases.
作者 韦秋香 阎锐 刘海燕 耿纪婷 王强 史家波 陈瑜 姚志剑 卢青 WEI Qiu-xiang;YAN Rui;LIU Hai-yan;GENG Ji-ting;WANG Qiang;SHI Jia-bo;CHEN Yu;LU Qing;YAO Zhi-jian(The Guangxi Zhuang Autonmous Region Brain Hospital,Liuzhou 545005,China)
出处 《临床精神医学杂志》 2018年第5期289-292,共4页 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
基金 国家自然科学基金(81571639 81371522 61372032) 国家临床重点专科建设项目(精神科 卫生部医政司2011-873) 江苏省医学重点学科(精神病学 江苏省卫生厅2011-12) 江苏省科教强卫青年医学人才名(QNRC2016050) 南京市科技发展项目(YKK15110) 南京市科技计划项目(201605041) 南京医科大学面上项目(2014NJMU053)
关键词 单相抑郁障碍 双相抑郁障碍 静息态功能磁共振 低频振幅 男性 unipolar depression bipolar depression resting-state functional magnetic resonance low-frequency fluctuation male
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