After the Ukrainian crisis,the U.S.and Russia have clearly taken each other as competitors.At present,the international context and the nature of relations are radically different.The world is no longer bipolar as it was during the Cold War.Rather,the contours of an inchoate multipolar system are emerging.In the burden of history,the relations defined more by competition than cooperation.The competitive nature of relations is deep and endurable,which exceeds that of other great powers in the world.Different approaches to the fundamental questions of national security and prosperity,incompatible value systems embedded in competing forms of exceptionalism and universalism,which cut to the core of national security and identity,have had greater influence.For near term,the status of relations is difficult to improve.The long run,out to mid-century,Four key global trends such as the shift of economic dynamism from Europe to East Asia,the advancement of technology,the deepening of interdependence,and a new global distribution of power led by uneven economic and technological advance,as well as potential power and political will of domestic development,will change the long-standing grand strategies of the two countries little.However,whether the changes in geopolitical challenges,world order and values in the future will bring opportunities for the improvement of US-Russia relations,and a leaders with the requisite imagination will emerge remains to be seen.
Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies