The paper proposes a theoretical framework on migrant workers'choice of jobs and places of employment.It argues that because of urban-rural segmentation in the labor market and extremely high mobility costs,migrant workers'choice-making is driven mainly by household utility maximization,rather than by salary maximization.As a result,there may be biases in estimating the educational return for migrant workers using the traditional Mincer wage equation,which relies on the efficient labor market assumption.The paper also points out that in case that effective labor market doesn't exist,structural differences may arise in the educational return for migrant workers and urban workers.The institutional difference varies by migrants'marital status,age and migration distance.The empirical findings support the theoretical propositions in this study.Our research is helpful to better understand and to estimate the educational return for migrant workers precisely.It also provides evidence that the labor market segmentation and high cost of labor mobility hinder an optimized allocation of labor resources.
Chinese Journal of Population Science