
德国新政府内政外交新动向 被引量:1

New Trends in Domestic and Foreign Affairs of the New German Government
摘要 德国新政府组阁后,内政面临重重困难:民粹右翼政党成为议会最大的反对党,以巧妙的宣传策略吸引着对现实不满、寻求改变的选民;德国政党内部要求改革的新生代与看重权力利益的保守派、基层与领导层之间矛盾日益公开和激化,党内党外对于现任领导层的不满导致了选民对主流政党的信任削弱。德国新政府的首要任务是重新获取人们的信任,保持德国政局稳定,通过培养后备力量来实现政党的革新。面临数字化时代的挑战,德国政府发起教育攻势,大力加强网络基础设施建设,力争在5G领域处于领先地位,通过经济和融合措施缓解难民问题带来的财政负担和价值挑战。在外交上,德国政府踏上新的征途,力求德法合作推动欧元区改革,在共同外交、安全和防务政策上深化欧洲一体化。在对华关系上,中国仍旧是德国亚洲政策的重要对象。尽管德国人对"一带一路"还存有疑虑,但默克尔表示会和中国在这一框架下继续合作。 Germany’s new government has to deal with many internal difficulties:the populist right-wing party became the largest opposition party in parliament,attracting voters who were dissatisfied with the reality and seeking to change with a clever propaganda strategy.There are increasingly open and intensify contradictions between new generation and conservatives,between leadership and grass-roots level in the Social Democratic Party and the Union Party,for the discontent about incumbent party leadership has reduced the voters’trust in mainstream parties.The first task of the new German government is to regain the trust of the people,to maintain the political stability of Germany,and to realize the reform of the political party by cultivating reserve forces.Facing the challenges of the digital era,the German government has launched an educational campaign,vigorously strengthening the construction of network infrastructure,striving for a leading position in the field of 5G,and easing the refugee problem through economic measures.The German government has since embarked on a new journey,striving to promote the reform of the eurozone through the cooperation of Germany and France,and deepen European integration in the common foreign policy,security and defense policy.China is still one of the important objects in German’s Asia policy.The Germans still have doubts about the Belt and Road Initiative,but according to Merkel,Germany will continue cooperation with China in this framework.
作者 于芳 李文红 王建斌 Yu Fang;Li Wenhong;Wang Jianbin
出处 《区域与全球发展》 2018年第3期109-125,158,159,共19页 Area Studies and Global Development
基金 中德人文交流研究中心课题<德国新政府内政外交新动向>成果
关键词 德国 新政府 大联合政府 政党 中德关系 数字化 Germany new government grand coalition party Sino-German relations digitization
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