
气动汽车减压装置能耗及流场分析 被引量:2

Energy Consumption and Flow Field Analysis of Air-Powered Vehicle Decompression Device
摘要 以气动汽车减压装置为研究对象,运用Simulink对节流减压和容积减压装置减压过程可用能损耗进行仿真分析,并运用Fluent对节流减压和二级容积式减压过程进行流场分析。分析结果表明:节流减压装置减压过程可用能损耗高达27%~59%,在30MPa气源压力和3MPa出口压力的最常用工况下,能量损耗高达40%,能耗偏大;容积式减压较节流减压能耗损失减少了6%~22%,节能效果明显;节流减压装置减压过程较稳定,能稳定输出压力,节流效果明显;二级容积减压装置的第二级相对于第一级减压容器内气体压力场及速度场分布更均匀,减压过程更加稳定。 Taking the air-powered vehicle decompression device as the research object,the software of Simulink was used to simulate and analyze the energy loss of depressurization process for the throttling decompression and volume decompression device and the Fluent software was applied to the throttling decompression and the two-volume decompression process to conduct the flow field analysis.The analysis results show that the energy loss of the decompression process of throttling decompression device is up to 27%to 59%and is up to 40%under the most frequently-used conditions of 30 MPa air source pressure and 3 MPa outlet pressure,which is relatively large.Compared with the throttling decompression,the energy loss of volume decompression decreases by 6%to 22%and the energy saving effect is obvious.In addition,the decompression process of throttling decompression device is relatively stable,the output pressure is stable and the throttling effect is obvious.The second stage of the two stage volume decompression device has a more uniform pressure field and velocity field than first stage decompression vessel and the depressurization process is more stable.
作者 王三武 夏德印 王华奥 邹琳 金华胜 WANG Sanwu;XIA Deyin;WANG Huaao;ZOU Lin;JIN Huasheng(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)
出处 《车用发动机》 北大核心 2018年第5期37-42,共6页 Vehicle Engine
基金 国家工信部智能制造项目(政府收支分类2159999) 柳州市科技攻关项目(2017AA10102)
关键词 气动汽车 减压装置 节流减压 容积减压 能耗分析 流场分析 air-powered vehicle decompression device throttling decompression volume decompression energy consumption analysis flow field analysis
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