
基于CAD模型的船舶有限元建模方法 被引量:8

Research on Ship FEM Modeling Method Based on CAD Platform
摘要 基于NX的三维CAD/CAE通用集成平台,提出一种基于CAD模型快速生成船舶结构有限元网格的方法,在CAD环境中将船舶中相交结构进行分割,建立相邻边的匹配关系,将CAD模型转换成多面体模型,在多面体模型中实现相交板架的缝合操作,最后生成有限元网格模型。以实际船舶模型为例进行测试,结果表明,该方法可以实现CAD模型与网格模型的自动关联,CAD曲面修改时网格模型可以自动更新,可有效提高网格的生成效率。 Utilizing the NX-based CAD/CAE integration platform,a fast method for generating the mesh grid of ship structure using the CAD model was proposed.In the CAD environment,the intersecting structures in the ship were divided to establish a matching relationship between adjacent edges.Then the CAD model was transformed into polyhedron models,and the stitching operation of intersecting grillages was implemented in polyhedron.The FEM mesh model was generated.Taking the actual ship model as an example,the test results showed that the method can realize the correlation between the CAD model and the mesh,and modifying CAD model will automatically update the mesh,significantly improves the efficiency of mesh generation.
作者 章志兵 林洋 王丽荣 柳玉起 ZHANG Zhi-bing;LIN Yang;WANG Li-rong;LIU Yu-qi(School of Materials Science and Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China;Technology R&D Center of China Classification Society,Beijing 100007,China)
出处 《船海工程》 北大核心 2018年第5期27-31,共5页 Ship & Ocean Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51609089)
关键词 CAD/CAE NX 船舶 模型转换 板架缝合 有限元建模 CAD/CAE NX ship model transformation panels stitch finite element modeling
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