

The Reinforcement Path of the Systemic and Coordinated Reform and Its Countermeasure
摘要 强化改革的系统性和协调性是全面深化改革、推进国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的必然要求。当前,在各地方的改革中,改革协调性和系统性面临的主要问题有:改革领导机构统筹能力不强、改革方案缺乏前瞻性、改革决策调查研究不够、改革措施"一刀切"、改革举措不配套、改革执行层级联动缺乏、改革内容相互掣肘、自我改革动力不足、改革措施执行乏力、改革成果评价缺失等。为此,必须在方法论上强化改革的方案设计,着眼全面可持续发展,注重统筹协调,体现人文关怀,从根本上强化改革的系统性、协调性。采取有效措施,落实好改革的协调配套、系统集成,特别是增强地方改革领导机构的统筹能力、提升改革举措的实效性和预见性、健全各项改革的配套制度、加强各层级之间的联动和跨部门之间的协调,等等,更好地推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。 Strengthening the systemicity and coordination of reform is an inevitable requirement for comprehensively deepening reforms and advancing the national governance modernization.At present,there are many systematic and coordination problems existed in the local reform practice.The main problem are:the reform leadership is not strong in the overall reform planning;reform plan is lack of forward-looking;the investigation is not enough in the reform decision-making process;reform measures are One-size-fits-all;there is no match between reform initiatives;there is lack of linkages in reform implementation between several government levels;the content of reform is mutually clashing;the self-reform motivation is insufficient;implementation of reform measures is weak;reform measures are lack of results evaluation.It is necessary to strengthen the design of reform in terms of methodology in order to fundamentally strengthen the systemic and coordination of reform.The main countermeasures are:strengthen the overall planning capacity of local reform leading institutions,enhance the effectiveness and predictability of reform measures,improve the supporting systems for various reforms,strengthen linkages between various levels and coordination with inter-departmental,etc.Through the above measures,the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity can be better promoted.
作者 中共中央党校“以改革的系统性和协调性推动国家治理的现代化化”课题组 罗宗毅 卓泽渊 傅思明 薛伟江 庄玉瑞 王若磊 赖先进 Research Group of Central Party School of the CPC on Promoting the Modernization of State Governance with the Systemic and Coordinated Reform
机构地区 不详
出处 《重庆社会科学》 CSSCI 2018年第10期5-14,共10页 Chongqing Social Sciences
基金 本文为中共中央党校重点课题“以改革的系统性和协调性推动国家治理的现代化化”的研究成果.
关键词 改革 系统性 协调性 国家治理现代化 reform systemicity coordination modernization of national governance
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