
可见君心即我心——评张以庆纪录片《君紫檀》中的审美追求与文化自信 被引量:1

Great Minds Think Alike——A Comment on the Aesthetic Pursuit and Cultural Confidence in Zhang Yiqing's Documentary "Jun Zitan"
摘要 2008年,我和张以庆合作写过一篇文章,名为《我还可以那样做》。文章中的观点来自他二十一年创作纪录片的点滴感悟,文章的结构和题目来自我对他及他所拍摄的片子的理解。十年后,看到被他称为"收官之作"的《君紫檀》,我再次收获到了预期之外的惊喜。他又一次用作品证明:他还可以这样做。从第一次看片子到这篇文章定稿,用了将近半年时间,相对于《君紫檀》三年的创作,这个时间并不长,但写作中感同身受创作者的煎熬、忐忑、焦虑、欣喜……由衷感佩张以庆及其团队的付出和坚守。我用"一贯主题的延伸:尊严和尊重""表达形式的极致:天马行空和诗意现实""贯通古今的文化哲思与文化自信:传承与创新"三个部分来结构这篇文章,虽然并不能言尽心中所感所想,更不足以将片子中众多元素分别囊括,却是当下状况下我思绪最为集中、思考最多的三个点,期待起到抛砖引玉的作用。 In 2008,I worked with Zhang Yiqing to write an article entitled"I can still do that."The point of view in the article comes from his insights into the 21-year documentary.The structure and topic of the article are based on my understanding of him and his films.Ten years later,I saw the"Jun Zitan"that he called"the ending",and I once again had the unexpected surprises.He once again proved with his work:he can do the same.From the first time I watched the film to the finalization of this article,it took nearly half a year.Compared with the creation of"Jun Zitan"for three years,this time is not long,but the feeling of writing is influenced by the creator's suffering,jealousy,anxiety,joy......sincerely admire Zhang and his team's dedication and persistence.I use three parts,"extension of the theme:dignity and respect","the ultimate expression of the form:the unconventional and poetic reality""through the ancient and modern cultural philosophy and cultural self-confidence:inheritance and innovation"to write this article.Though not enough to express what I feel in my heart,least to cover the many elements in the film,but it is the three points where my thoughts are most concentrated in current situation.I look forward to playing a role in attracting more views on this.
作者 宋素丽 Song Suli(Communication University of China,Beijing 100024)
机构地区 中国传媒大学
出处 《新疆艺术学院学报》 2018年第3期68-76,共9页 Journal of Xinjiang Arts University
关键词 尊重 诗意 传承与创新 "Jun Zitan" aesthetic pursuit cultural confidence
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