To inconsistent disadvantage between original Knothe surface subsidence time function model and surface observation point subsidence speed,and then Knothe model was modified by mathematics analysis method.Modified model not only better fitting subsidence displacement series of earth subsidence observation point,but also conform to overlying stratum movement proceed during long wall working face mining from side of observation points subsidence speed,accelerate speed variation and so on,the nonlinear character of the following three stages of surface observation point subsidence could be better described,which is intial stage,rapid development stage and tardiness damping stage.Model verified need abundant observation data,in order to overcome the difficulties,underground mining of coal seam was simulated by FLAC 3D software,all 36 monitoring points for surface subsidence and subsidence speed were arranged,surface movement process during mining process was monitored,after simulation,the relationship curve between subsidence and subsidence speed and calculation step conformed to modified Knothe model curve,it illustrated that simulated mining process was feasibility,and also verified modified Knothe surface subsidence time function model could fitted dynamic process curve of surface observation points subsidence.
LIU Yu-cheng(Bijie Circular Economy Research Institute,Guizhou Bijie Engineering Application Technology College,Bijie 551700,China)
Coal Mining Technology
贵州省高校优秀科技创新人才支持计划(黔教合KY字[2014] 256)资助