
云南普洱紫花三叉白及昆虫群落多样性研究 被引量:13

Insect community structure on Bletilla striata(Thunb.) Reichb. f in Pu'er District,Yunnan Province
摘要 为探究云南普洱紫花三叉白及昆虫群落结构及多样性,掌握昆虫群落多样性发展变化的时空动态,进一步明确紫花三叉白及害虫的种类和发生时间,为害虫防控提供理论参考依据,本研究采用棋盘式取样法,通过定时定点和大范围随机普查的方法,于2016年对云南省普洱市紫花三叉白及标记的样点进行了系统调查。调查期间共调查到节肢动物76种,分属于4纲12目56科。其中植食性节肢动物亚群落46种,分属于34科;捕食类节肢动物亚群落14种,分属于10科;寄生性节肢动物亚群落8种,分属于8科;中性节肢动物亚群落8种,分属于6科。其中科数及物种数最多为双翅目,个体数量最多的为膜翅目。对昆虫群落的多样性指数分析结果表明:双翅目昆虫群落丰富度最高,蜘蛛目优势度指数最高,多样性指数与均匀度均是膜翅目最高。时间上,6月物种数与多样性指数均最大,4月个体数量最多。不同类群分析结果为,植食性节肢动物群落物种数量最多,天敌亚群落的物种数量时间动态相对比较稳定。通过黄板及扫网采集,物种数量的变化趋势与总群落变化趋势基本保持一致,总群落个体数与物种数的变化基本由黄板与扫网采集到的类群主导。通过调查及分析可知,紫花三叉白及节肢动物群落物种数量变化基本由植食类类群主导,节肢动物群落的稳定性较高,天敌亚群落的物种数量时间动态相对比较稳定,非天敌亚群落的群落多样性与个体数量的变化趋势基本一致;物种丰富度与物种均匀度变化趋势基本一致;优势集中性与优势度随时间变化趋势基本一致。进入雨季之后,个体数量有较大幅度的降低,而持续性降雨与暴雨天气是导致个体数量迅速减少的重要因素。 To explore the structure and diversity of insect community on Betilla striata(Thunb.)Reichb.f in Pu er District,Yunnan Province,to understand the temporal dynamics of insect community diversity development and change,and to provide theoretical basis for further clarification of the species,occurrence time and pest control of B.striata,the checkerboard sampling method was used to investigate the marked samples and recorded the species and numbers of insects by regular fixation and large-scale random census.The survey was conducted from January 15 to December 15,2016(except February 2016),and the survey was conducted every month.There were 76 arthropod species in B.striata fieldin Pu er,which belonged to 4 classes,12 orders and 56 families,of which there were 46 kinds of herbivorous,belonging to 34 families;14 kinds of predators belonging to 10 families;8 kinds of parasitorids belonging to 8 families;there were other 8 kinds of neutral insects belonging to 6 families.Among insects,the largest number of families and species was Diptera,the largest number of individuals was Hymenoptera.The highest community richness index was Diptera,dominance index was Spider.The highest diversity index and the uniformity index were Hymenoptera.The results of temporal dynamics analysis,the species and diversity index in June were the largest,the individual number was largest in April.Through the different taxa analysis that the herbivorous was the largest number of species and the number of species of natural enemies was relatively stable.The change trend of the species number was consistent with the trend of the total community,and the change of the individuals number and the species number was basically led by the sticky cards and the swept group.Through the investigation and analysis,it could be seen that the species change of B.striata in Pu er arthropod community was dominated by phytophagous species,the stability of arthropod community was relatively high,the number of species of natural enemy sub-community was relatively stable,and the community diversity of non-natural enemy sub-community.And the change trend of species quantity was basically the same.The trend of species richness and species uniformity was basically the same,and the advantage of concentration and dominance was consistent with the trend of time.After entering the rainy season,the number of individuals greatly reduced,while persistent rainfall and heavy rain was an important factor leading to the rapid reduction of individual numbers.
作者 刘棋 成文章 拜如霞 董竞成 蒋智林 LIU Qi;CHENG Wen-Zhang;BAI Ru-Xia;DONG Jing-Cheng;JIANG Zhi-Lin(Key Laboratory for Agricultural Biodiversity and Pest Management Ministry of Education,Plant Protection College,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming 650201,China;Puer University,Puer 665000,Yunnan Province,China;First People′s Hospital of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650032,China;;Institutes of Integrative Medicine,Fudan University,Shanghai 200040,China)
出处 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期1036-1050,共15页 Journal of Environmental Entomology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31360456) 云南省中青年学术带头人后备人才项目(2014HB027) 中国科学院"西部之光青年学者"项目(科发人函字[2016]84号) 普洱市科技局科技计划项目(2014kjxm01) 普洱学院创新团队项目(CXTD005)
关键词 紫花三叉白及 昆虫群落 多样性 时间动态 Betilla striata insect community diversity temporal dynamics
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