
我国碳交易市场发展现状、问题及其对策 被引量:23

摘要 建立碳交易市场是控制温室气体排放的途径之一,理清其发展现状和特点是建立完善碳交易市场的前提。我国碳交易市场发展经历了试探性CDM阶段、试点配额交易阶段、2017年全面启动全国碳排放交易体系三个阶段,碳交易市场已初具规模。但是,我国碳交易市场在实施和运行过程中存在法律法规不完善、政府监管缺位等问题,应充分发挥政府的引导作用,健全碳交易法律法规体系,加强政府对市场监管力度,制定控制排放总量目标,科学分配初始配额,引导金融机构参与,鼓励碳金融产品创新,通过市场机制对资源的优化配置,建立起规范、科学、活跃、可持续的碳交易市场。 Establishing a carbon trading market is one of the important ways to control greenhouse gas emissions.It is a prerequisite to promote the perfection of the carbon trading market by clarifying its development status and characteristics.The development of China's carbon trading market has experienced three stages:the exploratory CDM stage,the pilot quota trading stage,and the full launch of the national carbon emission trading system in 2017.The carbon trading market has begun to take shape.However,in the implementation and operation of China's carbon trading market,there are problems such as imperfect laws and regulations,and the absence of government supervision.We should give full play to the guiding role of the government,improve the legal system of carbon trading,strengthen the government’s supervision over the market,set the goals for controlling the total emissions,allocate scientifically initial quotas,guide financial institutions to participate,encourage the innovation of carbon finance products,and optimize the allocation of resources to establish a standardized,scientific,active and sustainable carbon trading market.
作者 杨锦琦
出处 《企业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第10期29-34,共6页 Enterprise Economy
基金 2016年度国家社会科学基金项目"集中连片特困地区生态补偿机制及保障政策研究"(项目编号:16CJY011)
关键词 碳交易市场 问题 对策 carbon trading market problem countermeasure
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