2010年6月16~18日,新竹交通大学人社中心主任李弘祺教授(后文诸先生皆径称大名)举办了一场“耶鲁大学所藏东亚山形水势图研究工作坊”,邀请几位学者参与工作坊。笔者有幸躬逢其会,收获不少。会前一段日子,李弘祺将他收藏的“Yale Navigational Map,1841”光盘拷贝一份给笔者参考。笔者收到时,如获至宝。当时仍未有机会翻看章巽释著的《古航海图考释》一书,惊讶竟然有如此精彩的“山形水势图”出现在眼前。在计算机上看“山形水势图”,泛黄与墨线交错在一起,如水墨字画般美丽。笔者随意地翻了一两次,竟茫然于海洋之中。其后利用明天启元年(1621)序刊的茅元仪辑《武备志》中之郑和航海图卷“自宝船厂开船从龙江出水直抵诸番图”,雍正八年(1730)成书的陈伦炯《海国闻录》卷下“沿海全图”,向达校注《郑和航海图》向达校注《郑和航海图》《两种海道针经》,陈佳荣等编《古代南海地名汇释》陈佳荣等编《古代南海地名汇释》,中华书局,1986。和各种手头上的航海路线图及Google Map搜寻系统,终于在工作坊提交一篇名为《清代唐船航海图(Yale Navigational Map,1841)初步解读》的报告。可惜大会没有出版计划,完整的文章也没有写出,就此将这篇报告搁置一旁。本文即在原报告的基础上补撰而成。
Recently,scholars have been participating in the discussion of Yale University s 1841 Maritime Navigational Chart,being abbreviated as Yale Maritime Navigational Chart as follows.Discussion itself is good for the exchange of ideas,while controversy makes the resolution clearer.Yet because of different understanding of Yale Maritime Navigational Chart,the explanation seems to be lack of argument,mostly being personal speculation.For historians,there should be a more complete foundation of evidence for the argument.To make Yale Maritime Navigational Chart a meaningful material for historical research,it is an important project to have a correct interpretation of the terminologies used in the chart.I found a lot of Vietnamese geographical terms in Chinese characters in Yale Maritime Navigational Chart,such as Tu Khach(思客),Dao Lang(桃浪)、Han San(汉山)、Lang San(浪山),etc.So I think the ship took anchorage at Xich Kham/Phan Rang/Panduranga(赤走/藩郎/邦都郎/宾童龙)as an homeport.There were three routes in the chart:south to Cambodia and Siam,north to Fujian,and the third extended further to Shenyang(沈阳).Roughly before 1840,the shipping route changed to travel between Singapore and Shenyang.
Studies of Maritime History