
采用帆板-滑块执行结构的太阳帆姿态控制 被引量:2

Attitude control for solar-sail using rotating panel-sliding mass actuator
摘要 为实现太阳帆三轴姿态控制,采用一种新型的帆板-滑块执行机构进行姿态控制.基于滑模控制理论提出一种强鲁棒的姿态控制器,以抑制执行机构工作过程中航天器转动惯量变化对姿态控制的影响.此外,引入自适应律,提出一种自适应抗扰控制律,以抑制光压力矩和引力梯度力矩对姿态的干扰作用.最后,基于执行机构的动力学特性设计了操纵律,解算出帆板转动角度和滑块滑动位移,提供给控制器所需控制力矩.仿真结果表明:采用所提控制律和执行机构操纵律可使太阳帆姿态较快地机动至期望位置,并较好地抑制了转动惯量变化、光压力矩干扰和引力梯度力矩干扰带来的影响,同时使控制力矩、帆板角度和滑块位移均保持在适当的幅值范围内.所提控制策略有效地实现了太阳帆三轴姿态控制. In order to realize the three-axis attitude control of solar sail,this paper employed a new type of actuator,rotating panel-sliding mass,to study its control strategy.A strong robust attitude controller was proposed based on the sliding mode control theory to reduce the influence of the variable inertia moment of the spacecraft on the attitude system.In addition,the adaptive law was introduced and an adaptive disturbance-rejection control law was proposed to suppress the disturbances caused by the solar radiation pressure torque and gravitational gradient torque.Lastly,a steering law was designed for the actuator based on its dynamics to supply the control torque required by the controller,then the rotation angles of rotating panels and sliding displacements of sliding masses were calculated using the steering law.The simulation results showed that the proposed control law and the actuator steering law drove the attitude of solar sail maneuver to desired position quickly,and well resisted the influences of the variation of the inertia moment and the disturbances from solar radiation pressure torque and the gravitational gradient torque.The control torques,the angles of the rotating panels,and the displacements of the sliding masses were kept in proper amplitude range as well.The proposed control strategy effectively realized the three-axis attitude control of solar sail.
作者 吴利平 郭毓 吴益飞 郭健 WU Liping;GUO Yu;WU Yifei;GUO Jian(School of Automation,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期141-146,共6页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(61773211 61673214 61673219) 江苏省重点研发计划(BE2015164 BE2017161) 江苏省学术学位研究生创新计划(KYZZ16_0189)
关键词 太阳帆 姿态 执行机构 强鲁棒 自适应 solar sail attitude control actuator strong robust adaptive
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