
H亚型血管与骨质疏松症 被引量:6

Type H blood vessels and osteoporosis
摘要 目前,骨质疏松症的传统治疗方法主要集中于抑制骨破坏和促进骨形成方面,但此单一的治疗方法很难彻底解决多重因素致病的骨质疏松症。近来,许多文献报道血管形成与骨形成之间存在偶联关系,其中骨骼中新发现的H亚型血管成为骨质疏松治疗的新焦点。根据骨骼血管内皮细胞位置和功能的区别,可分为H亚型血管和L亚型血管,而H亚型血管可促进其周围骨祖细胞的分化与增殖。H亚型血管主要分布于干骺端和骨膜下,表现为血小板-内皮细胞粘附分子抗体(CD31)和内皮粘蛋白抗体(endomucin,EMCN)强阳性;而L亚型血管表现为两种内皮细胞抗体(CD31或EMCN)弱阳性,分布于骨干区。实验表明,H亚型内皮细胞与周围的骨祖细胞数量会随着小鼠的老龄化呈正比例下降,而且小鼠体内缺氧诱导型转录因子1α缺失后会出现H亚型内皮细胞和骨祖细胞数量明显降低,这些均提示H亚型血管与骨形成存在偶联关系。笔者着重对H亚型内皮细与骨形成之间存在的偶联关系及其机制进行综述,探讨H亚型内皮细胞与骨质疏松症的关系,以进一步加深对骨质疏松症发生、发展的认识,为骨质疏松症治疗提供新的思路与方法。 At present,the traditional treatment for osteoporosis mainly focuses on the promotion of bone formation and inhibition of bone resorption,however,this single treatment method cannot completely solve the multiple factors causing osteoporosis.According to several reports,skeletal vasculature plays a significant role in the process of bone development,regeneration and remodeling.Notably,a newfound type H vessel in human bone is becoming a new breakthrough in the treatment of osteoporosis.In terms of position and function of endothelial cells,researchers distinguished two new subtypes of endothelial cell(EC)that they termed type H and type L ECs.Interestingly,osteoprogenitor cells,which differentiate into bone-forming osteoblasts,preferentially associate with type H ECs because these cells are a rich source of several growth factors relevant to the survival and proliferation of osteoprogenitors.Type H ECs are strongly positive for CD31(also known as PECAM1)and Endomucin(Emcn)in the metaphysis and subperiosteum,whereas Type L ECs in the diaphysis display only weak CD31 staining and slightly lower Emcn expression.Experiment in mouse indicated that both the type H ECs and the osteoprogenitor populations decline with aging.This article focused on the coupling relation between type H ECs and bone formation and its mechanisms.Inquiry into the impact of type H ECs on osteoporosis could improve our understanding of the origination and development of osteoporosis,thereby provide new ideas for the treatment of osteoporosis.
作者 韩钧 孙伟 高福强 李子荣 HAN Jun;SUN Wei;GAO Fuqiang;LI Zirong(Sino Japanese Friendship Clinical Medicine School of Peking University,Beijing 100029;Department of Bone and Joint Surgery,China-Japan Friendship Hospital,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《中国骨质疏松杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期1353-1356,共4页 Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81372013 81672336) 北京市自然科学基金(7174346) 中日友好医院院级课题(2014-4-QN-29) 中日友好医院青年科技英才计划(2014-QNYC-A-06)
关键词 H亚型血管 血管形成 骨质疏松 骨形成 type H vessel angiogenesis osteoporosis osteogenesis
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