
The Figure of the Continuum:Discussed in Relation to the Quantum Logic and Exemplified for the Categories“Sex/Gender”and“Migration”

摘要 This article shows,on the one hand,how the figure of the Continuum can describe pluralities not only in the realm of sex/gender,but also in that of migration,using the four dimensions of the Continuum:physical/body/matter―psychological/feeling/experience―social/behavior―sexual/desire.The figure of the Continuum can resolve binary and bipolar orders by overcoming the virulent power of the poles“male-female”which are still considered to frame the gender order to this days.In the same way,the bipolar,antagonistic,and dichotomous juxtaposition between migrant and non-migrant will be released from a binary constriction using the figure of the Continuum,as well as the diametric opposition within different forms,different trajectories of,and different reasons for migration.On the other hand,the article shows how natural such de-binarizations are or how pluralizations are if one looks to quantum logic and explains how the“as well as”,the end of the exclusionary opposition of“0:1”,superpositions and overlays as well as repetitions are of central significance for quantum physics.Thus,the article can come to the conclusion that,just as in the quantum logic of physics,the figure of the Continuum contains a chance for a new and broader humanism,which considers the human as a human,with all their diversities,potentialities,and the inviolability of human dignity.
出处 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2018年第3期136-158,共23页 新闻与大众传媒(英文版)
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