
罗国杰关于中国传统文化与伦理道德的立场、方法与原则 被引量:1

Luo Guojie's Research on the Position,Methods and Principles of Chinese Traditional Culture and Ethics
摘要 如何对待传统文化与传统道德问题,是伦理学建构发展必须做出回答的重大理论和实践问题,亦是罗国杰先生创立马克思主义伦理学体系的重要组成部分。先生将传统道德问题的思考,置于社会历史发展的进程中,以马克思主义历史的、辩证的思想方法,揭示了中国传统道德具有两重性和矛盾性;在客观梳理建国以来社会传统伦理道德历史遭遇五个阶段的基础上,批判了虚无主义和复古主义两种错误倾向;进而论证了"批判地继承"传统伦理道德的必要性和可能性,系统提出了批判继承传统伦理道德的原则、标准和方法。先生对待中国传统文化与道德的态度具有鲜明特点:即无论中国伦理学发展际遇如何曲折,他都始终自觉坚持马克思主义的立场、观点,始终自觉坚持批判继承的基本价值立场,表达了马克思主义伦理学家追求真理的勇气与严谨的科学精神。 How to deal with traditional culture and traditional moral issues is a major theoretical and practical issue that must be answered in the development of ethics.It is also an important part of LUO Guojie’s creation of the Marxist ethics system.LUO Guojie put the thinking of traditional moral issues into the process of social and historical development,and revealed the duality and contradiction of Chinese traditional morality with the dialectical thinking method of Marxism history;objectively combing the social traditional ethical history since the founding of the People’s Republic On the basis of five stages,it criticizes the two wrong tendencies of nihilism and retroism;further demonstrates the necessity and possibility of“critically inheriting”traditional ethics,and systematically puts forward the principles,standards and principles of critical inheritance of traditional ethics.method.The distinctive feature of LUO Guojie's treatment of Chinese traditional culture and moral attitude is that no matter how twists and turns in the development of Chinese ethics,he always consciously adheres to the position and viewpoint of Marxism,and always consciously adheres to the basic value stand of critical inheritance and expresses Marxist ethics.The courage and rigorous scientific spirit of the pursuit of truth.
作者 李萍 杨少曼 LI Ping;YANG Shao-man(The Research Base on Marx’s Philosophy and China’s Modernization,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China;School of Marxism,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China)
出处 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期69-74,共6页 Qilu Journal
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"中国特色社会主义实践与主流意识形态建构研究"(16JJD710016)
关键词 罗国杰 传统伦理道德 批判 继承 Luo Guojie traditional ethics and morality criticism inheritance
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