
YBC重建家园创业行动及其经验分析——基于社会企业的视角 被引量:1

An Analysis of YBC's "Rebuilding Our Home Campaign"—A Perspective from Social Enterprises
摘要 汶川地震后,中国青年创业国际计划(YBC)快速启动了"重建家园创业行动",与绵阳市政府合作,推动建立绵阳地方办公室,把创业项目引入灾区,整合社会资源,扶助灾区青年创业,从而带动当地经济发展,获得了社会各界的普遍认同。YBC的成功运作,缘于灾后重建援助理念与YBC理念的有机结合,公共部门资源与私人部门资源的有机整合,以及其特有的公益经营专业领域以及其规范化、市场化的成熟运作等因素。这种创业扶助模式,是非营利的制度创新,是社会企业模式的成功运作。 Following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake,Youth Business China(YBC)quickly launched the“Rebuild Our Home Campaign.”With the help of the Mianyang government,YBC set up a local office and brought the campaign directly to the disaster area.YBC took advantage of their social resources and helped youths affected by the disaster to start their own businesses,which boosted the local economy and gained public recognition.YBC s success was due to the combination of concepts related to reconstruction and aid with their own management ideas.YBC also successfully integrated public resources and private resources using their own charity management methods and standardized operations.This reconstruction assistance model is an innovation in the non-profit sector,as well as an example of a successful social enterprise.
作者 朱晓红
出处 《中国非营利评论》 2008年第2期172-189,共18页 China Nonprofit Review
基金 凯风公益基金会对本项目的资助
关键词 YBC 灾后重建 创业 社会企业 YBC reconstruction establishing businesses social enterprise
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  • 2Does, J. Gregory, 1998. "The Meaning of 'Social Entrepreneurship.'"Comments and suggestions contributed from the Social Entrepreneurship Funders Working Group, 6pp.
  • 3Bornstein, David , 1998. "Changing the world on a shoestring: ambitious foundation promotes social change by finding'social entrepreneurs'", Atlautic Mouthly, January, Vol. 281 No. 1, pp34-39.
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  • 5“支教美国”的网站http://www.teachforamerica.org以及笔者于2005年4月对文迪的访谈.
  • 6TROSA的网站http://www.trosainc.org/about/stories.html,以及笔者于2005年10月对凯文的访谈.
  • 7“公益企业家”(social Entrepreneur)之外,还有很多词汇描述类似概念,如“公民企业家”(“civic entrepreneurship")(Henton,et al.,1997),“社会建筑师”(“social architect”)(Lassiter,1997),“公益目的企业、社区致富企业、非营利的企业”("social purpose venture”;“community wealth veutare”;“non-profit enterprise”),“风险慈善业、公益资本主义”("venture philanthropy”:“caring capitalism”)(Cannon,2000).
  • 8Center for Nonprofit Management at Northwestern' s Kellogg School of Management; Center for Social Innovation at Stanford Graduate School of Business; Initiative on Social Enterprise at Harvard Business School; National Center on Nonprofit Enterprise of the United States; Research initiative on Social Entrepreneurship at Columbia Business School; Skull Centre for Social Entreproneurship at Oxford's Said Business School.
  • 9AAFRC Trust for Philanthropy, 2005. Giving USA 2005: The Annum Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2004.
  • 10Alvord, Sarah H., L. David Brown, & Christine W. Letts, 2002. "Social Entrepreneurship and Social Transformation: An Exploratory Study. " The Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations and The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Working Paper #15.












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