4Joel F.Handler,2004,Social Citizenship and Workfare in the United States and Western Europe,University of California,Los Angeles.
5Judith M.Gueron & Patricia Auspos.(1987),Encyclopedia of Social Work,18th Edition,NASW Press,Maryland,U.S.A.p.896.
6O.William Farley,Larry L.Smith,Scott W.Boyle.2000,Introduction to Social Work,Allyn & Bacon,Boston,p.18.
7Wilbur J.Cohen,1962,The New Public Welfare Legislation,News Release,U.S.Department of Health,Education,and Welfare,September 24,1962.
8Michael Katz.In the Shadow of the Poorhouse:A Social History of Welfare in America,Basic Books,New York,1986,p.158.
9Michael Katz.Improving Poor People,Princeton University Press.1995,p.95.
10Koppel,J.G.,& Murphy,M.1978,Final Report:A Study of the General Assistance Workfare Programs.(Mimeographed).Washing,D.C.:National Association on Counties Research.