
伴随人生悲欢的民间礼乐的挽歌与突围——简析电影《百鸟朝凤》中唢呐礼俗和传承困境 被引量:1

Elegy and Breakthrough of Folk Ceremonial Music——An Analysis of Ceremonial Tradition and Inheritance Difficulties of the Suona in Movie Song of the Phoenix
摘要 唢呐本为胡乐,自从它传入中土之后便日渐被社会不同阶层所接受,并融入我国的传统音乐之中,逐渐成为一种伴随着国人不同生命阶段中人生礼俗的乐器。在吴天明执导的电影《百鸟朝凤》里,将这首与电影同名的唢呐经典曲目演绎得荡气回肠,俨然成为我国民间传统唢呐艺术中的符号性"标识"。千百年来,唢呐被广泛应用于古代社会各个阶层的礼俗活动,成为具有深厚社会文化内涵的民间音乐形式。在影片中,它被导演处理为用于丧俗中,却饱含大爱深情的大哀之曲。本文主要从礼俗文化背景下分析其承载的"大哀"之情、儒家文化传统中的道德判断和国人的生命价值观以及唢呐艺术中的礼乐传统,进而分析唢呐艺术传承所面临的现实困境。 Originally an exotic instrument,the suona has been welcomed by all classes of the Chinese society and incorporated into our traditional musical instrument family ever since its introduction into China to accompany us in different life stages.In the movie Song of the Phoenix,a suona elegy by the same name is presented as a symbolic“trademark”as folk suona music.For more than a millennium,the suona has been played in ceremonial occasions of all social classes and a folk musical mode of different social and cultural connotation has thus been developed.Used as an elegy in the movie,the music produced somewhat shows profound love.Departing from an analysis of the great grief conveyed by the suona due to our ceremonial culture,the moral judgment in the Confucian cultural tradition,the life value of the Chinese people and the ceremonial tradition of the suona music,the paper proceeds to analyze the difficulties facing inheritance of the suona and its music.
作者 程波涛 任家松 CHENG Botao;REN Jiasong(School of Fine Arts,Anhui University,Hefei,Anhui Province,230601)
出处 《楚雄师范学院学报》 2018年第5期106-110,共5页 Journal of Chuxiong Normal University
基金 安徽大学博士科研启动经费项目"民间美术资源引入高校教学实践的综合价值研究"(项目号JO1003248) 安徽大学优秀传统文化教育计划项目"安徽省民间美术教学实践"项目成果之一
关键词 《百鸟朝凤》 唢呐艺术 大哀之乐 礼乐传统 道德判断 Song of the Phoenix the suona music elegy tradition of ceremonial music moral judgment
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