
文化迎合与盈余管理——基于中国海外或H股上市公司的经验证据 被引量:2

Cater to the Culture with Earnings Management: Empirical Evidence Based on Chinese Overseas and H Share Listed Companies
摘要 基于"紧密-松散"和"个人主义-集体主义"这两个文化维度,研究了上市地文化对中国海外或H股上市公司盈余管理行为的影响。研究发现:(1)"紧密型文化"抑制应计盈余管理而促进真实盈余管理,而"个人主义文化"则增加应计盈余管理而减少真实盈余管理,证实了文化迎合现象的存在;(2)当上市地文化与中国大陆文化差异较大时,这种文化迎合行为更为显著;(3)随着时间的推移,上市地文化对中国海外或H股上市公司盈余管理的作用逐步减弱。从文化迎合视角讨论了某类文化对起源于不同文化的公司行为的影响,丰富和拓展了相关领域的研究,并为中国大陆企业"走出去"过程中如何应对异国或异地文化差异这一现实问题提供了有效的经验证据。 Based on the two cultural dimensions of“Tightness-Looseness”and“Individualism-Collectivism”,this paper examines the impact of listing place culture on earnings management behavior of Chinese overseas listed companies.The study found that:(1)“Tightness”curbs accrual-based earnings management and contribute to real earnings management,while“Individualism”encourages accrual-based earnings management and restrains real earnings management,thus confirming the existence of cultural concern.(2)When the difference between culture of listing place and that of Chinese culture is bigger,the cultural catering is more significant.(3)Over time,the effect of listing culture on earnings management of Chinese overseas listed companies is gradually weakened.This paper discusses the effect of certain cultures on corporations that originate from different cultures from the perspective of cultural catering,enriches and expands the research in related fields,and provides empirical evidence for how to deal with foreign cultural differences in the process of“going out”.
作者 费青青 王博 逯东 FEI Qingqing;WANG Bo;LU Dong(School of Accounting,Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,Chengdu 611130,China;Jinxin Fund Management Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518000,China)
出处 《审计与经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期83-89,共7页 Journal of Audit & Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71672149)
关键词 文化迎合 海外或H股上市 盈余管理 上市地文化 公司行为 真实盈余管理 应计盈余管理 culture overseas listing earnings management culture of listing location corporate behavior real earnings management aurual earnings management
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