依据《全国湿地资源调查技术规程(试行)》《国家湿地公园评估标准》(LY/T 1754-2008)对云南泸西黄草洲国家湿地公园湿地生态系统进行了调查和评估,结果为云南泸西黄草洲国家湿地公园有河流湿地、湖泊湿地、沼泽湿地、人工湿地等4个湿地类,喀斯特溶洞湿地、永久性淡水湖、草本沼泽、输水河等4个湿地型,湿地生态系统评价总得分61.6分,占总分78分的79.0%,总体评价结果为"良好",具有较强的代表性和典型性。该湿地公园应及早制定和落实防范预案与措施,规避或减轻人口增长、城市发展、农村居民生产生活等干扰和威胁。
In order to study the wetland ecosystem of the Luxi National Wetland Park in Yunnan,the wetland resources were investigated based on the requirements of the National Wetland Resources Survey Technical Regulations(Trial Implementation).Wetland resources were evaluated against the relevant criteria of National Wetland Park assessment standard(LY/T 1754-2008).After investigation and evaluation,the total score of the wetland ecosystem assessment of the Yunnan Luxi National Wetland Park was 61.6,accounting for 79%of the total score of 78.The overall evaluation result was"good",and the wetland ecosystem had a strong representativeness and typicality.Furthermore,the significance of wetland park construction for wetland conservation is discussed.
SU Bo(Planning and Design Institute of Landscape Architecture and Construction, State Forestry and Grassland Administration,Beijing,China 100010)
Shaanxi Forest Science and Technology